[CR]Herse on eBay....

(Example: Framebuilders)

References: <19482675.8527181200244108776.JavaMail.root@vms126.mailsrvcs.net>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:18:38 -0500
In-Reply-To: <19482675.8527181200244108776.JavaMail.root@vms126.mailsrvcs.net>
From: "Dale Brown" <oroboyz@aol.com>
Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Herse on eBay....

RENE HERSE DEMONTABLE BICYCLE R HERSE 1971 CLASSIC? ??? Item number: 140197350384

This will be interesting to see how it fares, $ wise. How many demontibles have we seen up for sale? If I recall correctly, Cyclart had one a few years ago... Pretty "Rare!"

Dale Brown Greensboro, North Carolina USA http://www.classicrendezvous.com

-----Original Message----- From: smwillis@verizon.net To: Mark Stonich <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>; Howard Darr <hdarr@embarqmail.com> Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Sent: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:08 pm Subject: Re: Re: [CR]Childs brake handles ebay outing

If my memory serves me right I saw a set on my little brothers Raleigh 24 inch wheel bike years ago.
>From: Mark Stonich <mark@bikesmithdesign.com>
>Date: 2008/01/13 Sun AM 10:15:00 CST
>To: Howard Darr <hdarr@embarqmail.com>
>Cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
>Subject: Re: [CR]Childs brake handles ebay outing
>At 1/12/2008 06:13 PM -0500, Howard Darr wrote:
>>Very intersting kids brake handles.
>>Any information or stories
>>Ebay number 110212365582
>>Howard Darr
>>Kinsman OH USA
>A set came on our Gitane "Midget Racer" - 15" frame, 500A wheels and
>3 cog freewheel. Lots of friction, not very comfortable.
>Later Weinmann introduced a much nicer small lever.
> http://bikesmithdesign.com/temp/JrLeverSide.jpg
> http://bikesmithdesign.com/temp/JrLeverFront.jpg
>I think I still have an NOS set somewhere. Contact me off list if
>you are looking for something like this. Probably have the original
>solid levers too.
>It would be easy to replace the pivot in to eliminate the "suicide"
>levers, but these work better than most as they don't reduce lever
>travel. I set up a touring bike with the adult size version. The
>customer wanted the second lever position because he was planning a
>2nd tour of South America. He'd learned on the 1st trip that when you
>spent 6 hours decending a rocky mountain road, with 90 lbs of bike
>and gear, standard road levers leave a bit to be desired.
>Mark Stonich;
> BikeSmith Design & Fabrication
> 5349 Elliot Ave S. - Minneapolis. MN 55417
> Ph. (612) 824-2372 http://bikesmithdesign.com
> http://mnhpva.org

Stevn Willis
The Bike Stand
1778 East 2nd Street
Scotch Plains NJ 07076