Re: [CR]Hello from randyjawa...

(Example: Framebuilders:Alberto Masi)

From: "Dr. Paul Williams" <>
To: "Randy Fox" <>
References: <BAY132-W21A25B0ABD530EE704BE0AB23D0@phx.gbl>
Subject: Re: [CR]Hello from randyjawa...
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 15:50:01 -0500
cc: Classic Rendezvous <>

Hi Randy,

Glad to see that you have hooked up with the rest of us "enthusiasts" on this list - also nice to have another Canuck on board.

Look forward to your contributions, but always remember to sign off properly lest you incur the wrath of the listmeister and your stay with us is short!! Name, plus place where you live, e.g.

Paul Williams,
Ottawa, ON, Canada!

----- Original Message -----
From: Randy Fox
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 3:32 PM
Subject: [CR]Hello from randyjawa...

> Hello Folks;
> My name is Randy. My online name is randyjawa.
> It seems than my name has come up in your forum, recently, due to an
> auctio
> n that I listed on Ebay. The auction title is "A Choice, A Thank You and
> S
> omething Special". My purpose with that listing, primarily, was to say
> tha
> nk you, to all of the people who have been kind enough to follow my
> auction
> s. Secondly, I wanted to let these same people know, that I am taking a
> mo
> nth off from Ebay, to ride the roads of Jamaica, while my wife guards the
> b
> each. Third, and to make the auction interesting, I offered a choice of
> so
> me of my best bikes. All are high end and pretty rare. I offered the
> bike
> s to keep me legal with Ebay. In all honesty, I really do not want to
> sell
> even one of my special bikes but I do have too many to look after properly
> .
> I am a retired guy who likes bicycles, particularly vintage road bicycles.
> I have owned and parted with everything, from a late forties French Rochet
> in rough shape, to a gorgeous 1971 Carlton "Professional". My present bic
> ycle collection focuses on high end, and rare, Canadian made vintage road
> b
> icycles, of which I have seven or eight. Most of my bicycles are not
> exoti
> c, but a half dozen or so, each year, are more than worth digging deep
> for.
> I have found and street restored over three hundred bicycles, in the past
> f
> ew years. From that experience, I learned a great deal about these old
> gem
> s. Some of what I learned, I learned from the Net. Most, I learned by
> doi
> ng. And, it is what I have personally experienced, both in building and
> ri
> ding, that I hope to share, on my soon to be released web site, E-zine, or
> what ever you call this sort of information/entertainment package these
> day
> s. I really don't know what to call my information/entertainment package,
> but I have it. I have spent months working on it. And I finished the
> seco
> nd rewrite this morning. Thank goodness.
> I am not a bicycle expert of any kind, but I am pretty good at finding old
> road bicycles. In fact, I can pretty much do it on demand these days. I
> h
> ave tried this and that, combining each with other things, to come up with
> about a dozen proven bike hunting procedures that I use regularly. I find
> between sixty and one hundred bicycles each year by myself. I am not part
> of a group. Some of the procedures work OK. Some work pretty good. At
> le
> ast one works almost instantly, and every time - for me.
> I am a retired professional industrial mechanic, and I spent thirty years
> a
> pplying my trade. I have written books, on vintage motorcycle restoration
> and other topics. I spent ten years developing Management Systems for a
> ve
> ry large company. It was during my Management System days, that I came
> to
> understand what I believe to be the true purpose of business. To help oth
> ers! That, incidentally, is a long story, but I believe absolutely in the
> principle.
> I sell quite a few bicycles and I am disturbed, by the general lack of
> unde
> rstanding, that many people exhibit with their questions and concerns. I
> s
> ee people paying too much for some of my bicycles and, quite frankly, I
> fee
> l uncomfortable about it, even though I start most of my bikes at ten
> dolla
> rs, with no reserve. I hope to help people who wish to get started do so
> w
> ithout making the mistakes that I did. And I made them all, as nearly as
> I
> can tell.
> Our hobby/sport is growing very quickly. There are a great many new
> people
> , expressing an interest in acquiring a frame set and building a bike
> thems
> elves. With that in mind, I realized that there was a need, for an
> informa
> tion resource that catered to every level of vintage road bicycle
> interest.
> From entry level, the person just getting into the hobby/sport, to the ex
> pert who has been involved since these bicycles were the hot items, of
> thei
> r day. The question was, how to reach, inform and entertain all levels of
> expertise and interest. I think that I have a pretty good answer. I hope
> you will take a look and find what I have to share informative and
> entertai
> ning at the same time.
> I am a Bicycles for Humanity volunteer. What a good organization, we have
> in our city. Nothing really formal, but we have sent 430 bicycles to
> Namib
> ia, already. And our second container is bursting with over five hundred
> b
> icycles, tires, components, basket balls, and you name it... That
> containe
> r is away in a month, or so, and then we intend to focus on local bicycle
> i
> ssues, concerns and promotion.
> Finally, since I hope I have your attention, I am always open to
> trading my European stuff, for unusual vintage Canadian road bikes. In
> case anyone is interested.
> Anyway, since my name came up, I though that I would join your group and
> in
> troduce myself. When I get back from Jamaica, I hope to list the new web
> s
> ite as a "Buy It Now" on Ebay. I am not even sure that I will be allowed
> to do that, but it seems like a good way to reach most of the people who
> mo
> st need a bit of help.


> Best regards,


> Randy