RE: [CR]200 plus bucks for a tub of grease?

(Example: Framebuilding:Technology)

From: "devotion finesse" <>
To: Bianca Pratorius <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]200 plus bucks for a tub of grease?
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 19:37:40 -0500
In-Reply-To: <>

Garth, This all still happens every day in Northern California...

Matthew Bowne missing the East Bay and my '76 conversion "Boogie Van" in Brooklyn, New York

> To:
> From:
> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 17:44:25 -0500
> Subject: [CR]200 plus bucks for a tub of grease?
> There must be some people in the bike collecting biz who have more
> money than it's easy to imagine having. If one must have an absolute
> correct and nostalgic experience restoring old bikes than why not add
> this to list of must haves?
> 1) Wash your parts in that wonderful old leaded gasoline that still had
> an odor that smelled pretty good.
> 2) Listen to something in the background while you're overhauling a
> bike like - All in the Family re-runs or the news of Siro Agnew
> pleading Nolo Contendere.
> 3) Wear a pair of bell bottoms washed in phosphate rich detergent. (use
> lots of Canoe cologne and/or have optional patchouli incense sticks
> burning near by.
> 4) When you get the handlebar tape wrapped just so, you exclaim out
> loud - "Right on!".
> 5) Tie your hair back with a rubber band while you're working to keep
> it from falling into the headset and upsetting your ball bearing count.
> 6) No comment as to what you should be smoking while all of this is
> going on.
> Garth Libre in Miami Fl USA
> _______________________________________________

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