AW: [CR]Campagnolo 50th Anniversary Group SET NIB follow up

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

From: "Schmid" <>
To: "'Norris Lockley'" <>, <>
Subject: AW: [CR]Campagnolo 50th Anniversary Group SET NIB follow up
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 19:00:18 +0100
In-Reply-To: <>

I just checked the auction again and the steller stated that he has already sold the gruppo. I wonder how much he got for it......

Michael Schmid Oberammergau Germany

Tel.: +49 8821 798790 Fax.:+49 8821 798791 mail:

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Norris Lockley Gesendet: Dienstag, 29. Januar 2008 18:05 An: Betreff: [CR]Campagnolo 50th Anniversary Group SET NIB

There's a complete 50th Anniversary groupset NIB for sale on French Ebay.

The item No 140200439688, has about 21 hours to bids on it so far..possibly because it's listed on the wrong site.

Starting price is 999 euros...don't know what that is in dollars..but about £760 sterling. Is that a decent price...? I have never bought one.

Norrris Lockley Settle UK

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