RE: [CR]Approaches to Bike Collecting?

(Example: History:Norris Lockley)

Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 19:40:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Approaches to Bike Collecting?
To: Jon Fischer <>, CLASSIC RENDEZVOUS <>
In-Reply-To: <BAY142-W3800C898BF6FAB06F5218785360@phx.gbl>

I collect bikes from everywhere, but I think one of the themes is nostalgia, i.e. the bikes I wanted but couldn't afford in my youth or just figured back then that one or two bike was enough. The nostalgia element accounts for my Raleigh Pros, chrome Paramounts, Paramounts tandem and PX-10's. I also recently bought a Schwinn World Voyageur. The nostaglia there was that when I belonged to the Outspokin Wheelman of Youngstown, OH, cofounded by Arnie Nashbar, Arnie, who was still selling bike parts out of his garage then, got orange World Voyageurs for several club members at a very attractive price, so we always saw these on club rides.

The one I just bought is a 23 in, which proved to be about 2 cm to tall to be comfortable, so I decided to convert it from 27" wheels to 650B, which reduces standover height by 0.9", which is about what I needed. I've built and mounted the 650B wheels, but there are a few more items needed to complete the project. I'll post some photos when the project is complete.


Jerry Moos Big Spring, TX

Jon Fischer <> wrote:

I started off with a very common vintage (80 Schwinn Traveler) which was my 'learning bike' as I more or less completely disassembled it and rebuilt i t. Since then I've had another Schwinn (but yet to find a keeper), but my collection as small as it is, is about the unique. I created one unique (t ook a common cheaper Japanese frame and custom painted and decaled it mysel f). Next I followed in Marty's footsteps (or rather stumbled in the direct ion from a firm push) with a Dutch which is unique at least in the US. My latest is another repaint, this time professionally, an American made (KOF) Serotta. Each fill a fairly unique (there's that word again) function in my riding. First is my neighborhood cruising bike (soon likely to have woo d fenders) and recently received a Brooks B17, the Dutch is my mostly CR le gal ride that I take out for the pure enjoyment of cycling, and the Serotta is my long distance rider for those long days in the saddle where I want t he feel of steel but the ease of shifting that more modern gears provide.

Looking forward my next additions will include an Italian, an early to mid 70's European with fancy lugs with N.Record, a track bike, and likely somet hing of Asian build with early Shimano or SunTour.

Jon Fischer Dallas, Tx

P.S. - sorry to John Barry for sending this to him instead of the list.

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> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:19:28 -0800> From:> Subject
: Re: [CR]Approaches to Bike Collecting?> To:; class> > I must spend too much time thinking about this
hobby. > Up until about a year ago, I simply could not say no> to a nice (
but inexpensive) bike that was my size. > Since then, I've reached capacity
in the basement and> the shed and the carport - although several of the> o
ccupants are legitimately for sale, or otherwise> destined for other homes.

> > Having started off with my uncle's bicycle, I acquired> the replacement
of the bike of my youth, and then> found a couple other bicycles, and it j
ust sort of got> out of control. Now, I've rationalized a bit, and> have so
mewhat arbitrarily constructed categories of> bicycles that I intend to hav
e filled. My final (I> think) list of categories is nine and one half - six

> or seven of which can be on-topic.> > 1.) Family heirloom & grocery gette
r (Raleigh Superbe)> 2.) Nostalgia bicycle (Raleigh Super Course)> 3.) Firs
t really nice bike (Fuji Finest)> 4.) Drool-worthy "bling" bike (Raleigh Pr
ofessional)> 5.) Olde British Club Bicycle (J.A. Holland)> 6.) Fixed gear (
a slightly off topic Schwinn)> 7.) Randonneuring bike (in transition, but m
aybe some> day a Herse or Singer or Gordon or Weigle or> Baylis...)> 8.) Ho
t-rod go-fast bike (a souped-up Trek 760)> 9.) Off Road thing (off-topic Tr
ek)> .5) Unicycle (still looking for a deal on a 20")> > everything else is
just gear passing through to be> passed on to someone who appreciates it -
with the> meager proceeds helping to defray expenses. > Although... if I c
ould find a nice Frejus track> bike... :)> > Cheers,> > John (more thinking
than riding lately) Barry> Mechanicsburg, PA, USA> > > > > --- Kevin Kruge
r wrote:> > > Forwarded to list on behalf of Bill
Talbot> > > > Re: Approaches to Bike Collecting?> > > > CRer's> > My intere
sts would be in variety. Different parts> > groups especially. And function
al first. So, I have> > a 60's bike w/Campy record, a 70's w/Nuovo Record,
a> > later 70's w/Campy Rally and triple, Early 80's> > w/Campy Super Recor
d. Same thing with the Shimano> > Dura Ace groups and then again with Sunto
ur Superbe> > and Superbe Pro.> > This way I can both enjoy all the differe
nt> > frames, but also how the different group components> > work as well.
This keeps my interest level up so> > that they all get ridden.> > See what
I mean @> >> > > > Bill Talbot
- CT, USA > > > > > > --------------------------
-------> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them> > fast with Y
ahoo! Search.> > > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> > mu
ltipart/alternative> > text/plain (text body -- kept)> > text/html> > --->

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