Re: [CR]WTB Rare Campy part: 26.2 seat post

(Example: History:Norris Lockley)

Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 12:24:35 -0800 (PST)
From: "devon warner" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]WTB Rare Campy part: 26.2 seat post
In-Reply-To: <>

ok, you guys, i think i am looking for a 26.2 size seat post, not 26.1, which apparently does not exist! sorry to be ignorant, and thanks to the list member who pointed this out! and really, other brands might just do, but i was convinced that i really only had one option for a post this size. please disabuse me if you can. thanks again. -devon warner san francisco, usa

--- devon warner wrote:

> hello group,
> i happen to be in the market for a rare campy part,
> maybe not the rarest. does anyone have a seat post
> in
> 26.1 he or she is willing part with? if you need
> any
> parts i happen to have all the better, but to tell
> the
> truth have not pawed through all the boxes lately
> and
> can't think of an offering at the momemt, except the
> Gipiemme i was gonna put on the bike, which is too
> big, 27.2. the seat post can be rough looking, just
> has to work ok.
> thanks,
> devon warner
> san francisco, CA, USA
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