Re: [CR]eBay outing: 54 cm early 1970s PX10, misc.

(Example: History)

Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 11:53:52 -0800 (PST)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]eBay outing: 54 cm early 1970s PX10, misc.
In-Reply-To: <>

>From the decals, this is very late 60's or early 70's. Those are, I believe, first generation Competitions, and are correct, although Racers were also seen in the early 70's. The badged Simplex post is correct. Velox plugs were typical, but I wouldn't rule out Gaslo. I've seen Belleri bars and stem on mid to late 70's PX-10's, but I suspect they are an upgrade on this bike. Likewise I suspect the Lyotard Berthets are an upgrade, as I've never seen a PX-10 with Berthets which could be established as original. Typical pedal for this era was the Lyotard 45D as you say.

Very nice bike, although not original, since the text says it was restored in the mid 90's. The $999 opening price is quite a bit more than a PX-10 has typically gone for in the last few years, but who knows? I'll be surprised if it reaches the $1,599 Buy It Now price. If it does, maybe it's time for me to sell off some of my French bikes.


Jerry Moos Big Spring, Texas

Kurt Sperry <> wrote: Did bike boom PX-10s come with Belri stems, Berthet pedals, Simplex badged post, Competition brakes and Gaslo bar end plugs? Those all look at least slightly out of place to my (admittedly uneducated) eye. I'd have expected to see a death stem (Pivo?), no-name seat post, 45-Ds, Racers and Velox plugs.

Kurt Sperry Bellingham WA USA

On Feb 3, 2008 11:05 PM, Dale Brown wrote:
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, North Carolina USA