Re: Centering sidepulls; was Re: [CR]Hurtful things said about Weinmann centerpulls

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2008 19:00:44 -0800 (PST)
From: "Fred Rednor" <>
Subject: Re: Centering sidepulls; was Re: [CR]Hurtful things said about Weinmann centerpulls
In-Reply-To: <003201c86ac4$2d2d31d0$>

> As Fred has pointed out, the socket will do the
> trick to center a set of sidepull calipers.
> However, there is nothing like the following for fine tuning
> once the fixing
> nut has been cinched down:
> For those who wish to use this advanced technique, locate
> the punch on the caliper spring right next to the centerbolt
> fitting and give it a tap. This can be very useful when a
> rondella dentata (aka Campagnolo toothed washer) is
> "indexed" into grooves in the crown or brake bridge boss
> that aren't ideally aligned for centering the caliper.
> Sometimes percussive maintenance is the right approach.

Charlie, Thanks for pointing out the proper tool to use for this operation. During several moments of weakness, I've purchased tools such as this one:

and have even spent hours making my own "improved" version. However, the hammer and punch have always proven superior in those cases where the simple socket is insufficient.

Do any of the list members who resided(ed) in D.C. remember an old mechanic, named Adolph, who worked ages ago at Southeast Cycles? On one of the few occasions when I could not make a repair on my own, I brought my bike into their shop, and Adolph attacked the bicycle with hammer and punch. I was appalled that such crude implements would be applied to my Columbus tubed, Atala wonderbike. But those ancient implements did the trick when the "proper" tools were not up to the task at hand.

So Charlie, I really appreciate that you've reminded us which simple hand tools to use for such a common maintenance operation. Cheers, Fred Rednor - Arlington, Virginia (USA)

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