(Example: History:Norris Lockley)

From: "R.S. Broderick" <rsb000@hotmail.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:09:32 -0600

I am once again offering a few items in advance of posting same for sale on eBay (...you are encouraged to check my feedback in that other forum unde r the seller id name "57103"). Please correspond directly through my publ ic email address of rsb000(AT)hotmail.com (...where that trio of numerals a re zeros and NOT the letter "O"). All inquiries will be handled on a first come, first served basis. Detailed pictures and descriptions of the vario us "FOR SALE" items have been posted to WoolJersey (...see link below) and I strongly encourage everyone to review same in order to make a thoroughly informed purchasing decision. You are also invited to review any of those other "FOR SALE" items not itemized herein but which do appear on WoolJerse y. If you have any question as to whether an item is still available for s ale, PLEASE CHECK FIRST USING THE FOLLOWING WOOL JERSEY LINK (http://www.wo oljersey.com/gallery/v/broderir/For-Sale/)as I will be marking items "SALE PENDING" when someone agrees to their purchase and then mark them as "SOLD" upon actual receipt of payment.

All prices quoted herein do not include shipping and/or insurance which wil l be done at cost. I would be happy to aggregate shipping expenses on mult iple items destined for the same physical mailing address where practicable . PayPal is preferred, but I also accept payment by BidPay, cashier's chec k, money order, or well concealed cash (...mailed at your own risk). Your satisfaction is guaranteed to the extent that you are welcome to return all or part of any purchase for a full refund of monies not to include shippin g and/or insurance provided that said merchandise is returned to me in a re asonably timely fashion and that it is in substantially the same condition as when I first sent it out to you (...please let me know in advance of you r intentions should this prove to be the case).



Campagnolo Record crankset - post 1968 144 mm BCD - 42/52 alloy chain rings / inner reinforcement webs / post 1973 52 tooth ring with chain "roll off" pin - 170 mm anodized alloy arms / pre 1973 without any date code / 9/16" x 20 TPI pedal threads / 22 mm x 1 mm cap threads - pre 1978 chain rings, c hain ring bolts, and crank arm dust caps marked "PATENT CAMPAGNOLO" - model 1049 ... [Used - a date matched set of vintage crank arms in remarkably go od state - both arms have a hint of toe strap rub at their outer extremitie s, but otherwise show only a very few minor blemishes begot of honest use, the most remarkable of which are an extremely light straight line scratch a long the back of the drive side arm from once running afoul of a front dera illeur (...you can barely pick it out with you fingernail) and a small dark blemish spot on the non-drive side arm at its top just above the dust cap - there are also the typical "halo" markings to be found surrounding the pe dal holes where mounting was done without benefit of protective washers (.. .but those will be completely hidden from view once a new set of pedals are affixed to these arms) - there are absolutely no cracks or functional comp romises to be found, the cap and pedal threadings themselves are in excelle nt condition, and the square taper splines are unmarred - as for the chain rings, both show evidence of merely light use with absolutely no disfigurin g or hooking of their teeth, and precious few if any cosmetic blemishes - t he early style "PATENT" chain ring bolts are in truly pristine condition, b ut the similarly early "PATENT" marked dust caps are in only fair state wit h areas of slight chrome loss and Allen key holes that show disfiguration a t the hands of a ham-fisted bike wrench - this entire ensemble has been dis assembled, inspected, cleaned, polished, and then reassembled only "finger tight" - I would be happy to apply a dab of anti-seize compound to all of t he chain ring bolt threads and torque everything down properly prior to shi pment upon request] - $100.00 plus S&H at cost


Campagnolo Record rear hub axle assembly (complete) - includes model 29/R r ear hollow axle (134.25 mm total length), model 32/R rear cones (...quantit y two), model 36 keyed lock washers (...quantity two), model 46 spacing col lar (4.5 mm), and model 33 rear lock nuts (...quantity two, date code marke d "CAM 77" for 1977) ... [NOS - depending upon your exact requirements whic h may or may not dictate use of additional and/or substitute readily availa ble spacing collars to achieve an appropriate offset, this assembly is suit able for use with various Campagnolo rear hubs (...Record, Super Record, C Record, and early Athena or Chorus) to affect a 124 mm through 127 mm OLD ( i.e. standard six speed or narrow seven speed freewheel spacing) and can al so be used for earlier 120 mm to 122 mm OLD (i.e. standard five speed or na rrow six speed freewheel spacing) by cutting the model 29/R hollow axle to length] - $15.00 plus S&H at cost


O.M.A.S. rear derailleur pivot bolts - aluminum alloy - model 164 upper / 1 65 lower \u2026 [Used - vintage weight-weenie parts suitable for use as replac ements to model 166/A and 811/A steel or model 4004 and 4005 titanium upper and lower pivot bolts for Campagnolo Nuovo and/or Super Record rear derail leurs respectively - while neither bolt shows any evidence of "road rash", and the lower bolt might actually be able to pass for "new" upon re-install ation, the upper pivot bolt has a slight mottled look to its finish (...but otherwise, it is in superb condition) - my recommendation with respect to these bits is to either install and use them "as is" ... or ... send them o ff to be anodized black (...or perhaps some other color of your choosing) \u2026 OR \u2026 cheat, by masking off all but the heads of each bolt, and then l ightly spraying them with a semi-gloss black paint so as to simulate a cust om anodized look (...you may need to touch up the Allen head key slots afte r proper installation, but thereafter, these bolts should look very much li ke freshly anodized alloy hop-up parts - hee, hee, hee...)] - $15.00 for th e pair plus S&H at cost


Bicycling magazines - individual issues priced individually - to review the se vintage magazines is truly like peering through a window into the past a s they are replete with articles and advertisements depicting then contempo rary offerings that are often core to the topic of discussion here on the C R List - the following issues are available for purchase:

JAN 1972 - trans-continental tour on a penny farthing - technical: your cu stom frame - $10.00

FEB 1972 - time trialing comes of age: a primer - technical: chain drive f or tandems - $10.00

MAR 1972 - technical: innovative pedals - $10.00

MAY 1972 - Nishiki Safari touring bicycle road test - six day racing revisi ted - technical: bicycle stability, part 1 - $10.00

JUN 1972 - state by state bike club directory (...nope, none in South Dakot a back then) - technical: bicycle stability, part 2 - $10.00

JUL 1972 - Fuji Road Racer road test - cycling guide to Holland - Nevada Ci ty \u201872 race report - technical: is streamlining worthwhile? - $15.00

AUG 1972 - Atala Professional Record road test - the R.E.W. Reynolds frame - technical: which length spokes? - converting derailleurs for touring - $ 15.00

SEP 1972 - Victoria 647D Alpine Deluxe road test - technical: frame stabil ity & handling - time trial gearing - complete bicycle bibliography, part 2 - $10.00

DEC 1972 - Mondia Special road test - Ficelle Racer road test - Lambert of England introduction - cycling accessories directory - $20.00

PLEASE NOTE: These are used, vintage magazines that have most certainly be en read before. As such, you may well find the occasional crease or folded corner on a page or two, and in one instance (...July 1972), a tear to its cover along the spine. However, in no way do any of these minor imperfect ions detract from the overall value of the information contained therein. Also, I have not taken pictures of these magazines to post to WoolJersey (. ..sorry).


Robert "purveyor of ponderous prose and the occasional bicycle bit" Broderi ck ...the "Frozen Flatlands" of South Dakota Sioux Falls, USA

P.S. I have recently been working my way through some email difficulties w hich I now believe to have finally been resolved (...at least with regard t o my Hotmail, Yahoo, and Gmail accounts, but maybe not some of my other pr ivate email addresses). In the process of setting things right, I have bee n made aware of the fact that there were at least a couple of CR List membe rs who had previously attempted to contact me via email, only to never rece ive a reply. If any others of you have made an attempt to contact me direc tly over the course of the last month or so only to have your communication s never acknowledged, PLEASE accept my most sincere apologies - and please take this opportunity to try, try, again.

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