Re: [CR]NAHBS 2008 Report, Rene Herse

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing)

From: <"">
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:19:14 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR]NAHBS 2008 Report, Rene Herse


I don't see any need to make that particular comparison. Actually, compa rison of the Hetchins was unnecessary as well. Each bike is what it is. Look with your eyes, touch with your hands, search with your heart for w hat is really inside the soul of the maker(s). The more one knows, the m ore one will see the Rene Herse endeavor is somewhat unique. The product is seeking a true position in the lineage of this marque. The Hetchins situation was different. First, they didn't want the name to reside in a different country. First mistake if they wanted to keep it alive at a r eally high level. Doug Fattic and I talked about the possibilities a few years ago. Why bother?

Just keep your eye on what Mike and Mark are doing. In time I'm sure all of us will be amazed. Just for the record, in case any might feel I hav e a vested interest in the bike on account of the fact that I'm the pain ter. They didn't ask me if I wanted to do the paintwork. I begged them t o let me be part of their history making venture. This is the honest tru th. As soon as Mike told me what he was up to at Cirque 2007, I began to cultivate the opportunity. Besides knowing and trusting both of these g uys; I really believe in what they are doing. Their dedication to the pr oject is total. But you don't need me to tell you that. Just watch what they come up with.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA Have a meeting to go to, then I'll be back to write about set-up day at the bike show and some of our adventures.

-- "Angel Garcia" wrote:

Does this mean that there will be the same debates as to the "real" vs. "non-real" Hetchins?

Angel Garcia Verona, Italy

> ....the anticipation
> for me was to see the interpretation of the new Rene Herse
> bicycles. While
> it is still a work in progress, the spirit of Herse is there and I wis h
> Kon
> e
> and Nobilette the best of luck.
> Mike Schmidt
> Stirling, NJ