RE: [CR]NAHBS party at The Recyclery

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

From: "Sarah Gibson" <>
To: Dale Brown <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]NAHBS party at The Recyclery
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 16:18:33 +0000
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>

shucks i really wanted to attend this party and visit with you guys tho i did have the chance earlier in the week to roll by n have a sneak peek at the vintage bikes larry has stashed at the recyclery and get my paws greasy picking out bits here and there and larry was so gracious with the use of a stand and some tools and a tube to repair the flat i picked up enroute larry i truly apologize for missing yr event but heres what threw me

**Saturday**SLAP DASH ALLEYCATSo you're framebuilders. This alleycat is a s loppy gumbo of framebuildingand street racing...and you're welcome to take either one as seriously ornot-seriously as you want. Be prepared to read a map, use a hacksaw, crossbridges, and make the crappiest welds of your life . Checkpoints will be inbasements and warehouses where local builders, incl uding some freakbikebuilders, do their thing. Prizes for fastest and most c reative. For thoseof you familiar with, the start/finish l ocation is wherethe benefit party is going on. Plan B, 130 5 SE 8th St (not too far from the Convention Center)register at 7pm, ride a t 8pm$5 to ride a few of the pix in this set (the ones after dark) were during this event it was an awesome time the route covered much of the city and got to meet some great local cyclers along with interesting bikegeek basements n warehouses along the way thought i might roll by afterwards but we didnt finish until after 10p and didnt roll towards home till after 2a sorry it was a tough choice but this sorta race is right up my alley and besides my pals n i dubbed the kc contigent tho one now lives in pdx won the dfl prize a case of fat tire ale!

peace sarahgibsonkansascityacmebicyclecompanydotcom

** __@ ** = \<._ *** (_)/ (_) well behaved women rarely make history_ride
   yr friggin bicycle_ > To:> Date: Fri, 15 Fe b 2008 11:05:35 -0500> From:> Subject: [CR]NAHBS party at T he Recyclery> > > Thanks again to Larry and all the gang at the Recyclery. They have a great "scene" going on there. I have some good pics if I can ev er get the time to get them published!> > > > > > > Dale Brown> Greensboro,
   North Carolina USA> > > > > > > > > -----Original Message-----> From: Larr y Myers <>> To:> Sen t: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 2:25 am> Subject: [CR]Thanks to all; NAHBS, stuff for s ale> > > > > > > > > > > Howdy!> > I would like to thank all the list membe rs who attended our little > get-together at The Recyclery- Dale, Rich, Joh n, Mike, Wayne, et al- it was > great to put a face to the names! Best in S how definitely went to John Seiver > and his all-chrome 70's Paramount trac k bike, which looked like it had just been > un-packaged.....a close 2nd to
   George Ramos and his pristine Bianchi > 'Superleggera', with it's totally trick factory panto package.> > I finally made it to the NAHBS Sunday after noon- lots of really cool stuff. My > own personal faves- A) The Land Shark -built "Huffy" that Andy Hampsten rode to > victory in the Giro d'Italia; B ) the Brian Bayliss booth; C) Ed Litton's > stunning 'Cambio Corsa' bike; D ) the wonderful Peter Weigle 70's-style TT bike- > drillium, huge chainring , tied & soldered wheels...straight out of the pages of > 'International Cy cle Sport'!; and, finally, my own vote for 'Best in Show'- the > Rene Herse
   that Genevieve Gambillon rode to multiple National & World > Championships . Except for the Herse stem & cranks, it looked like an early-70's > 'boom bike'- crappy Huret steel derailleurs, Weinmann centerpulls....just proves
> that the most important part of all is DESIRE!> > Offered to the list, th e following bits & pieces- shipping included in the > lower 48.> > 1) Ideal e Mod.90 w/ alloy rails. Saddle is in good condition; lots of miles & > pat ina, no tears, cracks, or crash marks. The alloy rails & cantle are in > ex cellent condition- no cracks or corrosion. Clamp not included. The "STC" gr oup > sticker would tend to date it to the mid-to-late 70's...$145> 2) NOS Edco-badged front & rear derailleur set- made by Simplex. I got these > to put on a frame I bought, that disappeared once it hit US soil- don't need >
   them anymore...$175/set> 3)Titan 'Luxe' 95mm track stem, very good conditi on, minor pitting, $90> 4)NOS Campy 'Gran Sport' (50's/60's) hi-flange hub shell, 28 hole. No axle, > will work for road or track use...$50> > More to
   follow; PayPal only please- I use my e-mail address for this.> > Cheers,> Larry Myers> Portland, OR, USA> > > ---------------------------------> Neve r miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.> > --- StripMime Report -- proces sed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> _______________________________________________> Classicren dezvous mailing list>> http://www.bikelist.o rg/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> > > > > > > ________________________ ________________________________________________> More new features than ev er. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -> > > --- StripMim e Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (te xt body -- kept)> text/html> ---> _________________________________________ ______> Classicrendezvous mailing list>> htt p://