[CR]Regarding Robinson's search for on-topic shops in Copenhagen

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 20:46:11 -0500
From: "Michael Schmidt" <mdschmidt56@verizon.net>
To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Thread-topic: Regarding Robinson's search for on-topic shops in Copenhagen
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Subject: [CR]Regarding Robinson's search for on-topic shops in Copenhagen

I thought that I would share this with the rest of the CR Listmembers. My thanks to my friend John Martin for his assistance.

In response to Richard Robinson's question on bike shops in Denmark, John Martin writes:

This is the Danish Cycle Union. While there business is promoting safe bicycling they may be of some help.

I shop at Michael's in Helsingor these days and that is where I bought my Koga-Miyata. But they do not deal in vintage bikes.

Back in the day - in the mid-70's - when I lived in DK I shopped at Bananni in Valby which is part of Greater Copenhagen. It was the place and all the racers shopped there as well. Looks like Banani is still in business: Banani sport Vigerslevvej 35 2500 Valby Tlf.: 36 30 04 20 They still build frames. They may be able to direct you and if you go there from the center of Copenhagen you go past the Carlsberg brewery - definatel y a must stop as I believe they still offer tours and samples.

Dansk Cyklist Forbund Rømersgade 5, 1362 København K, Tlf. 33 32 31 21, Telefontid: kl. 10-12 og 13-15, Telefax 33 32 76 83 Butik: mandag-fredag 12-17.30, lørdag 10-14

I just browsed "De Gule Sider" that is "the yellow pages" for bicycle shops in Copenhagen. I'll list several below.

Københavns Genbrugs-Compagni (Copenhagens Re-Use Company - which sounds interesting) Valdemarsgade 14 1665 København V tlf.: 33 31 45 14

They are located just South of Vesterbrogade (which runs right by the Main Train Station and City Hall) and about 10 blocks West - of the Main Train Station.


Sögreni Sports & Racer Cykler Inc. (No Translation needed) Sankt Peders Stræde 30 1453 København K tlf.: 33 12 78 79

To get to this shop just turn North on H.C. Andersens Boulevard (It intersects Vesterbrogade at Tivoli) or take Vester Voldgade. Sankt Peders Straede is a few blocks up on the right and the shop is about a block down.

Certainly the second shop listed above should be able to direct Rich if they don't have what he is looking for.

And, Rich is right Denmark is Cykler Venlight (friendly) and bicycles rule in Copenhagen.

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Schmidt
To: Richard Robinson
Cc: jhm350@verizon.net
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2008 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: [CR]Looking for a on-topic shop In Copenhagen

> John Martin,
> You are over their quite a bit, any suggestions on bike shops that deal
> with
> vintage bikes?
> Mike Schmidt
> Stirling, NJ