[CR]Re: Polishing

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing)

Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 10:18:09 -0800 (PST)
From: "Stewart Ferrell" <stewart_ferrell@yahoo.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
In-Reply-To: <MONKEYFOODJiOLmfMlu00001afa@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
Subject: [CR]Re: Polishing

I use a dremel with a large buffing wheel and rouge on tough spots first, them move to happich or brasso with the wheel. Then I use happich with a cotton cloth and hand rub until I reach the desired finish. I remove any film with AFTA cleaner regreaser. It works better than water based cleaners and leaves no spots.

Stewart Ferrell

Brooklyn USA

classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org wrote: Send Classicrendezvous mailing list submissions to classicrendezvous@bikelist.org

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Today's Topics:

1. Re: Zeus Hub Dustcaps (John Thompson) 2. Re: Using the CR database to avoid competitive bidding - today'sreally bad idea. (Charles T. Young) 3. Re: Zeus Hub Dustcaps (Scott Edrington) 4. Re: Tubular rims (Earle Young) 5. CLB2 Centerpull brakes: Anyone ever see these? (Daniel Gonzalez) 6. Re: Zeus Hub Dustcaps (Wayne Davidson) 7. Re: Using the CR database to avoid competitive bidding - today'sreally bad idea. (Don Williams) 8. Ebay Outing: Unusual (i.e. Normal) Simplex BB Guide (Donald Gillies) 9. Re: Ebay Sniping 10. Re: CLB2 Centerpull brakes: Anyone ever see these? (Elton Pope-Lance) 11. Eisentraut pics unpainted, Nervex lugged, got it up on Wool Jersey (Marie VanRemortel) 12. Re: Using the CR database to avoid competitive bidding - today'sreally bad idea. (John Betmanis) 13. Polishing Technique (Eric Elman)


Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 22:35:29 -0600 From: John Thompson To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: Re: [CR]Zeus Hub Dustcaps Message-ID: <47C0F411.2010903@new.rr.com> In-Reply-To: References: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: list Reply-To: john@os2.dhs.org Message: 1

Sean Flores wrote:
> I recently purchased a set of large flange Zeus track hubs that had the
> dust caps removed so they could be 'oiled' on the quick.
> How hard is it to replace these? Since they are campy clones, will
> normal campy dust caps fit? Any suggestions?ous

I've used Campy dust caps in Zeus hubs here without problems. --

-John Thompson (john@os2.dhs.org) Appleton WI USA ------------------------------

Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 23:39:43 -0500 From: "Charles T. Young" To: Subject: Re: [CR]Using the CR database to avoid competitive bidding - today'sreally bad idea. Message-ID: <005b01c8769f$469bc370$0a00a8c0@corp.rfweston.com> References: <000001c87693$afd34db0$0402a8c0@pc903496> Content-Type: text/plain;format=flowed;charset="iso-8859-1"; reply-type=original MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: list Message: 2

I fail to see how my electing not to bid against my CR friends and acquaintances could be considered collusion. I know that there are some CR members that recognize my eBay ID and are very unlikely to bid against me but I have no idea what auction items that may apply to nor whether they have a pressing need for it and might suspend their general practice.

If I want an item, I place a small bid below my true threshold and then back it with an esnipe bid. Maybe there are some of my friends out there that would notice and decide not to compete for it. As others have pointed out, during this version of the roughly semi-annual rehashing on the CR list of how eBay auctions work, the structure of the system makes sniping the only sensible way to participate.

I invite the DOJ to come after me for gentlemanly conduct in a rather tawdry marketplace.

Charlie "ctycyle on eBay" Young
Honey Brook, PA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Edward Feinberg"
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:16 PM
Subject: [CR]Using the CR database to avoid competitive bidding -

today'sreally bad idea.

> John Betamis wrote that we should organize and all agree to not
> competitively bid against other bidders who are on this list. Speaking of
> eBay "ethics", The US Department of Justice has a name for this:
> Collusion
> in restraint of free trade, and it is a felony.
> Ed Feinberg
> Newton MA
> (I'm not an attorney but I've raised several of them)
> John Betamis wrote:
> While on this subject, I have to bring up another angle; that of bidding
> against someone you know on this list.
> For the last few months I have been looking for a Simplex Tour de France
> type rear changer for the Claud Butler I plan to build up. Every time I
> saw
> one come up on eBay I watched it to see if I could snag it for $50-$60.
> That seems like a reasonable sum to me since these were very popular in
> the
> 1950s and many thousands would have been made. Invariably, however, I saw
> the price shoot up well over my ceiling, sometimes double that. On three
> occasions, if I recall, I saw our own John Crump bidding on one of these.
> In one case I was also bidding and felt really bad in case I drove the
> price up and then had to drop out when I could no longer afford it and Mr.
> Crump would end up paying more than he would have otherwise. As it turned
> out, we were both outbid by a big margin. I finally did get my derailleur
> a
> few days ago at a price I was willing to pay (although it's a 4-speed
> rather than the 5-speed I really wanted) and I even outbid a buyer from
> Japan. Mr. Crump was not bidding. Maybe he'd been so discouraged in
> previous auctions, he'd just given up. Anyway, maybe this has been brought
> up before, but it sure would be useful to have a database of CR list
> members' eBay handles so we don't end up bidding against each other on
> items that regularly come up. There's lots of vintage stuff out there and
> if you don't get what you want today, you'll get it a month from now.
> John Betmanis
> Woodstock, Ontario
> Canada
> _______________________________________________


Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 04:47:36 +0000 From: "Scott Edrington" To: "Sean Flores" , classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: Re: [CR]Zeus Hub Dustcaps Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 3

I don't think you will find that Zeus hubs are direct Campy copies; it is wishful thinking when you are looking for parts. The Zeus large flange d ust covers I have are larger in dia. than my Campy Record large flange du st covers.

Suggest you contact http://www.yellowjersey.org/zeus.html or http://www.c afedevelo.com/.

Scott Edrington San Diego CA, USA

-----Original Message----- From: Sean Flores [mailto:seaneee175@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 07:57 PM To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: [CR]Zeus Hub Dustcaps

I recently purchased a set of large flange Zeus track hubs that had the d ust caps removed so they could be 'oiled' on the quick. How hard is it to replace these? Since they are campy clones, will normal campy dust caps fit? Any suggestions? thanks. Sean Flores San Francisco, CA _____________ __________________________________ Classicrendezvous mailing list Classic rendezvous@bikelist.org http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicr endezvous


Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 23:14:10 -0600 From: "Earle Young" To: "dddd" , Subject: Re: [CR] Tubular rims Message-ID: <001a01c876a4$17d8d6e0$0200a8c0@pcearle> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="iso-8859-1" MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 4

David Snyder says: "I fail to see how a 15g spoke in a slightly larger hole creates any additional cyclical stress on the bend."

It may not make a difference. What I have observed is that spokes break at the elbow, and far more often with straight gauge spokes than with butted spokes.

DS "Less windup than with butted spokes makes for a faster build. There's their lower price."

When striving to create the highest quality product for a customer, I don't consider the marginal time saving or the slight cost saving worth the reduction in quality.

DS: "these also seem to have a proper amount of elasticity for a lot of different applications."

Butted spokes, 14-15-14 gauge, have the same elesticity in the center section, which is not stressed by other forces.

DS: "Their added bending flexibility vs 14G spokes also makes building wheels a little easier, as does a freer fit through the spoke holes."

Again, easier on the builder is not necessarily better for the customer.

In short, David does present a good argument that straight gauge spokes are fine in a production environment where lower cost for parts and labor is one of the considerations.

However, like the carefully handbuilt frames we all admire, carefully handbuilt wheels using the best available parts and allowing ample time to properly use those parts are just a nicer product.

Earle "I'm willing to spend the time if the customer is willing to spend the money" Young Madison, Wisc. Offering expert wheelbuilding services for classic and modern bikes


Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 14:25:49 +0800 From: "Daniel Gonzalez" To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: [CR]CLB2 Centerpull brakes: Anyone ever see these? Message-ID: <20080224062549.8F1351BF28D@ws1-1.us4.outblaze.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" MIME-Version: 1.0 Precedence: list Message: 5

I just bought, via Ebay, a set of CLB2 centerpulls said to be NOS from the 70's (Ebay item 140204087489) 140204087489 [IMAGE] The only info I can find via Google is this, from a mans website description of his Riv Atlantis that has the brakes mounted: "CLB2 Super Luxe centerpulls with titanium straddle wire/return spring. Very cool and unusual. Kool Stop Dura holders with salmon pads"

These are quite beautiful and have opposing castings that I'll have to photograph and link to for explanation and general oogling. I'll try to get that done tomorrow.

I'd very much like to know anything I can about these brakes: Weights, reach, made for?, original hanger style?, made of?. Might someone please oblige?

Thanks, Danny Gonzalez NYC USA

-- Want an e-mail address like mine? Get a free e-mail account today at http://www.mail.com!


Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 20:41:13 +1300 From: Wayne Davidson To: Scott Edrington , CR Subject: Re: [CR]Zeus Hub Dustcaps Message-ID: <47C11F99.2040303@xtra.co.nz> In-Reply-To: References: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: list Message: 6

Hi all, I could be wrong, but I'm sure I used Campagnolo dustcaps on my Zeus large flange rear track hub when I rebuilt it.........regards wayne davidson invers NZ.............

Scott Edrington wrote:
> I don't think you will find that Zeus hubs are direct Campy copies; it is
> wishful thinking when you are looking for parts. The Zeus large flange d
> ust covers I have are larger in dia. than my Campy Record large flange du
> st covers.
> Suggest you contact http://www.yellowjersey.org/zeus.html or http://www.c
> afedevelo.com/.
> Scott Edrington
> San Diego CA, USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean Flores [mailto:seaneee175@gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 07:57 PM
> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
> Subject: [CR]Zeus Hub Dustcaps
> I recently purchased a set of large flange Zeus track hubs that had the d
> ust caps removed so they could be 'oiled' on the quick. How hard is it to
> replace these? Since they are campy clones, will normal campy dust caps
> fit? Any suggestions? thanks. Sean Flores San Francisco, CA _____________
> __________________________________ Classicrendezvous mailing list Classic


Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 00:13:53 -0800 From: "Don Williams" To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: Re: [CR]Using the CR database to avoid competitive bidding - today'sreally bad idea. Message-ID: In-Reply-To: <005b01c8769f$469bc370$0a00a8c0@corp.rfweston.com> References: <000001c87693$afd34db0$0402a8c0@pc903496> <005b01c8769f$469bc370$0a00a8c0@corp.rfweston.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: list Message: 7

I think that if folks decide on there own to not bid against a person they know, well... I think they have every right to make that decision. I think collusion laws are in place to keep the market a fair place. Price fixing, gouging etc... This email group isn't big enough to change market prices. How many people are in this group? A thousand? How many people shop Ebay 10 million 100? Say there IS 1000 of us. How many are looking for the same thing at the same time? I'll bet the odds are low.

Don Williams Woodinville WA USA eBay Dr.Distortion

On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 8:39 PM, Charles T. Young wrote:
> I fail to see how my electing not to bid against my CR friends and
> acquaintances could be considered collusion. I know that there are some CR
> members that recognize my eBay ID and are very unlikely to bid against me
> but I have no idea what auction items that may apply to nor whether they
> have a pressing need for it and might suspend their general practice.
> If I want an item, I place a small bid below my true threshold and then back
> it with an esnipe bid. Maybe there are some of my friends out there that
> would notice and decide not to compete for it. As others have pointed out,
> during this version of the roughly semi-annual rehashing on the CR list of
> how eBay auctions work, the structure of the system makes sniping the only
> sensible way to participate.
> I invite the DOJ to come after me for gentlemanly conduct in a rather tawdry
> marketplace.
> Charlie "ctycyle on eBay" Young
> Honey Brook, PA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Edward Feinberg"
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:16 PM
> Subject: [CR]Using the CR database to avoid competitive bidding -
> today'sreally bad idea.
> > John Betamis wrote that we should organize and all agree to not
> > competitively bid against other bidders who are on this list. Speaking of
> > eBay "ethics", The US Department of Justice has a name for this:
> > Collusion
> > in restraint of free trade, and it is a felony.
> >
> > Ed Feinberg
> > Newton MA
> > (I'm not an attorney but I've raised several of them)
> >
> >
> >
> > John Betamis wrote:
> >
> > While on this subject, I have to bring up another angle; that of bidding
> > against someone you know on this list.
> >
> > For the last few months I have been looking for a Simplex Tour de France
> > type rear changer for the Claud Butler I plan to build up. Every time I
> > saw
> > one come up on eBay I watched it to see if I could snag it for $50-$60.
> > That seems like a reasonable sum to me since these were very popular in
> > the
> > 1950s and many thousands would have been made. Invariably, however, I saw
> > the price shoot up well over my ceiling, sometimes double that. On three
> > occasions, if I recall, I saw our own John Crump bidding on one of these.
> > In one case I was also bidding and felt really bad in case I drove the
> > price up and then had to drop out when I could no longer afford it and Mr.
> > Crump would end up paying more than he would have otherwise. As it turned
> > out, we were both outbid by a big margin. I finally did get my derailleur
> > a
> > few days ago at a price I was willing to pay (although it's a 4-speed
> > rather than the 5-speed I really wanted) and I even outbid a buyer from
> > Japan. Mr. Crump was not bidding. Maybe he'd been so discouraged in
> > previous auctions, he'd just given up. Anyway, maybe this has been brought
> > up before, but it sure would be useful to have a database of CR list
> > members' eBay handles so we don't end up bidding against each other on
> > items that regularly come up. There's lots of vintage stuff out there and
> > if you don't get what you want today, you'll get it a month from now.
> >
> > John Betmanis
> > Woodstock, Ontario
> > Canada
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> ------------------------------

Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 02:12:21 -0800 (PST) From: Donald Gillies To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: [CR]Ebay Outing: Unusual (i.e. Normal) Simplex BB Guide Message-ID: <200802241012.m1OACL6d027526@cascade.cs.ubc.ca> Precedence: list Message: 8


Sorry for the wide distribution. A while ago, someone on the CR mailing list asked me for a pointer to this piece of unusual Simplex hardware (much like typical shimano, hurt, or suntour BB routing hardware.) I hope that whomever was looking for this part, finds this posting.

- Don Gillies San Diego, CA, USA ------------------------------

Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:53:56 +0000 From: saint09@bellsouth.net To: Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org Subject: [CR]Re: Ebay Sniping Message-ID: <022420081153.26488.47C15AD400085CB80000677822218801869B0A02D2089B9A019C04040A0DBFC7CF9B02070E9C@att.net> Content-Type: text/plain MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Precedence: list Message: 9

Okay, what happens when every bidder uses a sniping service? It seems like every time something good comes along, someone figures out how to make money out of it. It's good old American capitalism at work. But I do hate it. It's like computers are great, but why do you pay for virus protection? Couldn't ISPs or computer companies offer this free when you purchase a computer? I have been sniped so many times that I now usually only purchase Ebay items with the Buy it Now offer. On other items, I enter my max bid at the beginning of the auction and just monitor my emails to see if I win. It also gives me satisfaction when someone snipes at the last minute, but don't override my bid. Bidding on Ebay is like playing the lottery, you just can't count on winning. Fred Durrette Summerville, SC USA


Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 08:21:06 -0500 From: Elton Pope-Lance To: Daniel Gonzalez , CR List Subject: Re: [CR]CLB2 Centerpull brakes: Anyone ever see these? Message-ID: In-Reply-To: <20080224062549.8F1351BF28D@ws1-1.us4.outblaze.com> Content-Type: text/plain;charset="US-ASCII" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Precedence: list Message: 10
> I just bought, via Ebay, a set of CLB2 centerpulls said to be NOS from
> the 70's (Ebay item 140204087489)
> 140204087489 [IMAGE]
> The only info I can find via Google is this, from a mans website

=== message truncated ===

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