RE: [SPAM]Re: [CR]Ann. Paramount listing on E-Bay...this one may set the standard against which E-Bay sale pages should be judged

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

From: "Robert D. Dayton,Jr." <>
To: "'kim klakow'" <>, "'Tom Sanders'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [SPAM]Re: [CR]Ann. Paramount listing on E-Bay...this one may set the standard against which E-Bay sale pages should be judged
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 09:50:41 -0500
Thread-index: Ach3uD/pVkE6kqlkRfO2XhLHAzG6DgABSacg
In-Reply-To: <>

There was a period when Campagnolo dropouts had quality issues. I know of a couple builders that would try to steer customers away from Campagnolo dropouts in the mid to late 80's. I have some where the embossing is just terrible. You can harldy make out the name.

Rob Dayton Cahrlotte,NC USA

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of kim klakow Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 9:10 AM To: Tom Sanders; Subject: [SPAM]Re: [CR]Ann. Paramount listing on E-Bay...this one may set the standard against which E-Bay sale pages should be judged

Why didn't Schwinn use Campy DOs on this?

kim -- Kim Klakow

Diplom Grafik Designer +49172-1786481 Berlin - Germany

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