At 2/25/2008 04:01 AM +0000, wrote:
>I think there is (still) an awful lot of confusion out there
>regarding Campagnolo BBs. Prior to 1993, Campagnolo used JIS-tapered
>spindles, just like virtually everyone else did
Greg, A few minutes with an assortment of modern JIS and old Campi cranks and spindles will show you that if the older Campis weren't ISO they sure as heck weren't JIS either. What may be confusing you is that some of the better old Japanese cranks, like Sugino Mighty, were Campi compatible instead of JIS. Come to think of it the Sugino 75 Track crank still is.
Mark Stonich;
BikeSmith Design & Fabrication
5349 Elliot Ave S. - Minneapolis. MN 55417
Ph. (612) 824-2372