Your LeJeune situation reminds me of how I found myself owner of a new-in-the-box '73 LeJeune a few years ago after an ebay auction win, thanks to my bidding wife. Someone had parted it out. It was perfect except for some spokes-inflicted damage to the seat tube decal which was a very minor touch-up, and quite frankly only the anal would have noticed. Problem was, it had no parts except for the HS and BB. Thus began a procurement journey not at all unfamiliar to the CR brethren and sistren. Incidentally, the workmanship on mine is very un-Frenchlike.... I would go so far as to say it surpasses many an Italian frame of the same era.
It is now completed and a fair roads on fair days rider. However, I think that my bike is very desirous of those red LeJeune toe clips! And I would really like that cap and jersey.... What do ya say? Deal?
Ken Wehrenberg, Hermann, MO-- 70s but snow due again on Mon night and Tues