My 76 Super Course had the Brooks B17N, but it had a Stronglight 93 crank, Huret Jubilee derailuers and Huret dropouts. Carlton labels frame and fork blades. Love that bike, my first real ride. Wish I still had it.
Tom Dockery
Los Altos, CA
USA> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 22:06:53 -0800> From:>
To:> Subject: Re: [CR]Raleigh Super Corsa> CC: classicrend> > Steven- was there a Carlton label on it? My wife has
an SC Mk2 mixte> marked Carlton. I'm now eyeing a matching 23.5" SC Mk2 se
color and> probably 1976, but w/I Carlton mark. Anyone know more about thi
s?> 3/7/08, Steven M. Johnson <> wrote:> > Friend of mine j
ust bought a Raleigh SC off ebay, and I went and looked> > it over last nig
ht. As old as it is, it in incredible shape.> >> > It is pretty much like t
his:> >
> >> > It has some changes that showed the owner had some pride in it and r
ode> > it at one time. The B17N is gone, wire and plastic tubing tire saver
s a> > nd finned Mathauser brake pads installed on the Raleigh labeled Wein
mann> > s. (I remember many times up until about 1984, seeing leather saddl
es in> > thrift shops. Owners had swapped out OEM for lighter and supposedl
y mor> > e comfortable plastic saddles.)> >> > Date on the components had 1
976 on the SR cranks, '77 on the brakes and> > '77 on the stem.> >> > The S
untour dropouts are chrome. Rear spacing is 123mm. It was made in t> > he C
arlton factory, and has a few of the famous OE production aesthetic> > braz
e blobs here and there.> >> > I never saw too many of those when they were
sold, and for a mid range b> > ike this is a pretty cool bike.> >> > Hubs a
nd pedals are Atom. The end of OEM leather saddles, and the French> > compo
nent industry stating to lose against the Japanese really show on> > this b
ike.> >> > Steven Johnson, Shiloh, IL> > __________________________________
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