I know Raleigh did, as well as Claud Butler. Les Ephgrave used the stripes,
hand painted, on his seat stay topeye round bits which some people call a
'Lollipop' but I have been told is a Winning Post. Chevrons and rings have
been available since before WW2 as transfers for all and sundry to buy and
apply. I have a circa 1939 Bates Vegrandis with chevrons as original.
I have one transfer of the stripes with Ron Cooper on it in black. For a
horizontal fit. If anyone has another I would like to buy it as I have a
circa 1976 Cooper to repaint.
My Grandfather was in the 1936 British Olympic Clay pigeon shooting team. I
have his Berlin Olympic ring badge somewhere. I do remember repainting a
Claud Butler badge using it as a guide but then finding a good badge and
noticing the colours were in diff., locations. Maybe the Brits and the
Germans did'nt quite see eye to eye back then... ?
Go figure!
Mark Stevens Evanton Scotland