Enough already. And I don't mean that in a negative way, nor in any way which should be taken personally by any person on this list...but I think topic has run its course.
And I don't even think it is "on topic", as it does not relate to bicycles at all.
Stephan Andranian Costa Mesa, California ("The OC" ?? - ha ha ha) http://www.GitaneUSA.com
Tom Dalton <tom_s_dalton@yahoo.com> wrote: Jaz Kokeny wrote:
At the same time, I find I equally offensive and uneducated to regress to name-calling and sophomoric attacks on someone for expressing their opinions.
Really? You find it just as offensive that someone would call Mr. Wahl on his BS as you do the BS itself? What was the worst thing said to Wahl, that he should go to Facebook and not bother reporting back? Ouch! Suggesting to the guy who makes this list possible that he's fostering a B&D tenor and that he ought to have better things to do with his time, now that's offensive. There is a reason Dale does what he does, and I'm sure he'd rather do other things with his time than police the list. He could if people could follow a few simple rules. These rules are not arbitrary, or onerous, or arcane. Dale does not get off on forcing people to follow rules, he just kicks them off the list if they don't.
You said: Certainly, they have a choice to move on. Likewise, should Ishould *you*be asked to move on from this country just because we don't agree with its current policies?
Of all the suspect arguments I read on CR every day, this one takes the prize. Likening "love it or leave it" sentiments about CR to the same sentiments applied to ones country is laughable. CR is not a political jurisdiction and we are not its citizens. It's a service that Dale provides, with no real gain for himself, and all he asks is that we follow some simple rules that are mostly intended to keep thinks civilized. Interestingly, Wahl's objection to this was not really civilized at all. Whoever that guy is, he might have started by contacting Dale directly, rather than bitching to the list and deliberately violating the rules, in effect taking a dump on Dale's living room carpet and telling him to get over it. That was not an act of civil disobedience, it was just uncivilized. I find it rich that Wahl chose to end his message with "NYC, if you don't know where that is, send me an email." Good God, if that isn't the worst New Yorker and US-citizen stereotypes brought to life, I don't know what is.
Tom Dalton
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania USA