[CR]RE: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 63, Issue 88

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing)

From: "Doug Smith" <douguk2007@hotmail.co.uk>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 19:44:41 +0000
In-Reply-To: <MONKEYFOODpWdomJ8K500000b50@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>
Subject: [CR]RE: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 63, Issue 88

Paul Dismantle the body from the handlebar clip push them on (fairy liquid helps )Did 'nt have that product in my day! Mum's bar of carbolic soap did the tr ick. Doug

> From: classicrendezvous-request@bikelist.org> Subject: Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 63, Issue 88> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 16:32:00 -0700> > Send Classicrendezvous mailing list submissions to> classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit> http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrend ezvous> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to> class icrendezvous-request@bikelist.org> > You can reach the person managing the list at> classicrendezvous-owner@bikelist.org> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific> than "Re: Contents of Classicren dezvous digest..."> > > CR> > Today's Topics:> > 1. Re: Confente, or non-fe nte> 2. =?Windows-1252?Q?RE:_[CR]_British_Cycling_Terms_=96_a_few_more? => (Neil Foddering)> 3. RE: Shrinking steerer tubes (Neil Foddering)> 4.> =?Windows-1252?Q?Now:_fitting_honking_rubbers!_Was:_=5BCR=5D_British _Cycl?=> > =?Windows-1252?Q?ing_Terms_=96_a_few_more?= (Dr. Paul Wi lliams)> 5. Re: Classic Frame for Morgan's friend - Nervex Chrome lugs> (Br ian Van Baush)> 6. For Sale: Clark's DT Shifter Cables Brown Teflon Coated (brian)> 7. Re: Now:_fitting_honking_rubbers (John Betmanis)> 8. Re: Now:_f itting_honking_rubbers (John Betmanis)> 9. Re: Re: Now:_fitting_honking_rub bers (Dr. Paul Williams)> 10. re: confente..or non (Charles Andrews)> 11. F wd: Re: [CR]Re: Now:_fitting_honking_rubbers (Art Link)> 12. Re: Re: [CR]Re : Now:_fitting_honking_rubbers (Dr. Paul Williams)> > > ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------> > Date: Fri, 21 Mar 20 08 20:12:24 +0000> From: gpvb1@comcast.net> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist. org> Subject: Re: [CR] Confente, or non-fente> Message-ID: <032120082012.29 45.47E416A80008781A00000B812216525806CE0D909F09@comcast.net>> Content-Type: text/plain> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit> Precedence : list> Message: 1> > Mike:> > The blue fake that I am aware of (which may be the same one you are thinking of) was this color, but a 60 cm. size iirc .> > This one is probably real, but who knows for sure, with that crappy ph oto. and poor listing. This guy is probably just fishing for 2-3 times what he paid for it recently, imo. In the current economic climate, I would say that is a bit of a stretch.> > By the way, my NOS Mario-built 1972 61 cm. Masi GC can be had for only $12,000! A bargain by comparison, no? :-)> > Gr eg Parker> Ann Arbor, Michigan> USA> (where another snow storm is just begi nning, again, for the six billionth time this Winter....)> > http://www.bicyclecla ssics.com> > > > Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 16:22:58 +0000> From: hersefan@comc ast.net> To: Mikey Schmidt <mdschmidt56@verizon.net>,> Tom Sanders <tesande rs@comcast.net>, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Subject: Re: [CR] Confente , or non-fente> > My question is why no mention of Confente in title or des cription? Also, at > least one of the fake Confente frames was in this colo r if memory serves me.> > Now, the fake I saw if I recall correctly did not have the seatlug tange facing > downward on the frontside of the seatube a s do typical Confente or Masi frames. > >From the stinky photos I do think I see it, so that probably rules out the fake > I saw years ago - but I rea lly can't be sure.> > Has anyone called the guy? All weird...> > Mike Kone in Boulder CO USA> > -------------- Original message -------------- > From: Mikey Schmidt <mdschmidt56@verizon.net> > > > Tom, > > > > He is fishing, ya think?. That old adage about a fool and his money shall soon > > part, i s apparent here. A BIN price of $7,000. is more realistic, ATMO. Did > > an yone get a serial number? > > > > I recall Nick Z's Confente brought in $6, 750 at Cirque's auction a few years > > back and that Confente was in nicer shape. > > > > Confoundented, > > > > Mike Schmidt > > Stirling, NJ > > US A > > Third Rock from the Sun > > > > > > > > From: Tom Sanders > > Date: 2 008/03/21 Fri AM 08:34:02 CDT > > To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org > > Su bject: [CR]Confente, or non-fente > > > > For $15,000 who cares? Shades of the Pope's Colnago. > > > > Tom Sanders > > > > Lansing, Mi USA > > --- Str ipMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plai n (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ------------------------------> > Da te: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 20:53:22 +0000> From: Neil Foddering <neilfoddering@ho tmail.com>> To: <grm1067@aol.com>, <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Subjec t: =?Windows-1252?Q?RE:_[CR]_British_Cycling_Terms_=96_a_few_more?=> Message-ID: <BAY141-W234387C6E66715B9E856A2BF010@phx.gbl>> In-Reply-To: <8C A595DC64110BE-1720-13AF@MBLK-M19.sysops.aol.com>> References: <8CA595DC6411 0BE-1720-13AF@MBLK-M19.sysops.aol.com>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset ="Windows-1252"> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 2> > > > > There's a pair of honking rubbers on eBay at the moment - see:> > http://c gi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=320230243229&> ssPage Name=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=011> > Neil Foddering> Weymouth, Dorset, England>
> > To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 07:28:09 - 0400> > From: grm1067@aol.com> > Subject: [CR] British Cycling Terms \u2013 a few more> > > > > > Reading what John Betmanis and Doug Smith wrote made me think that a coup> le > > of other terms.> > > > \u201cOil up\u201d \u2013 car behi nd, already explained> > > > \u201cOil down\u201d \u2013 car approaching from the fr ont> > > > \u201cEasy\u201d \u2013 shouted by the front man, telling those beh> > in d to slow up.> > > > The urgency of these calls was determined by the loudn ess of the voice.> > > > \u201cEASY!\u201d was accompanied a split-second later b y sounds of Ma> > facs (best brakes in the world!) locking wheels.> > > > \u201cPressures\u201d \u2013 High-pressure rims = Clincher rims> > > > \u201cTuggo\u201d \u2013 derisively applied to cyclists tuggi> > ng a saddlebag behind them. Be ing sensible, they were also riding pressur> es.> > > > \u201cThe bonk\u201d (aka hunger knock) \u2013 caused by not eating> > enough, either before or during the ride. The sugar level in the body go> es > > down and you end up feelin g like death, sitting in a ditch, in the rain, > eat> > ing an apple. If yo u are lucky, a real-friendly tuggo will stop, take pit> y o> > n you, and g ive you a couple of sandwiches from his lovely saddlebag. Thi> s w> > ill c hange your attitude to tuggos and people in general.> > > > Have you guesse d who was in the ditch yet?> > > > \u201cBonk bag\u201d \u2013 Mussette, used to car ry enough food to > > avoid being found in a ditch in the rain.> > > > \u201cD ouble clanger\u201d \u2013 derisive term used by peopl> > e using Sturmey-Archer hub gears to describe a front changer, and the noi> se > > made when changi ng from one chainring to the other, stemming from the old> at> > titude tha t derailleur gears were something foreign and noisy, therefore > not> > qui te nice.> > \u201cCampag\u201d \u2013 the ONLY proper term for Campagnolo produ> > c ts!> > > > I'm always a bit wary about recommending books, but, for those i nterested> in> > an impression of Brit cycling in the 50s/60s, which broade ns out into a > his> > tory of cycling, try "One more kilometre and we're i n the showers" by Tim> Hi> > lton> > > > Geoff Margetts,> > Dreieich,> > Fr ankfurt,> > Germany> > ____________________________________________________ ____________________> > Bei AOL gibt's jetzt kostenlos eMail für alle. Kl icken Sie auf AOL.de> > > um heraus zu finden, was es sonst noch kostenlos bei AOL gibt.> > > > > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts --->
> multipart/alternative> > text/plain (text body -- kept)> > text/html> > - --> > _______________________________________________> > Classicrendezvous mailing list> > Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > http://www.bikelist.org/m ailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> > ______________________________________ ___________________________> Win 100\u2019s of Virgin Experience days with Big SnapSearch.com> http://www.bigsnapsearch.com> > > --- StripMime Report -- p rocessed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- ke pt)> text/html> ---> ------------------------------> > Date: Fri, 21 Mar 20 08 21:01:57 +0000> From: Neil Foddering <neilfoddering@hotmail.com>> To: St eve Birmingham <sbirmingham@mindspring.com>,> <classicrendezvous@bikelist.o rg>> Subject: RE: [CR] Shrinking steerer tubes> Message-ID: <BAY141-W538E49 7BC7AB9775CD22C6BF010@phx.gbl>> In-Reply-To: <01c201c889f0$26a73db0$73f5b91 0$@com>> References: <MONKEYFOOD7yQU5y50x00000857@monkeyfood.nt.phred.org>> <01c201c889f0$26a73db0$73f5b910$@com>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset ="iso-8859-1"> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 3> > > Both of my stems are headclip types, and in each case, I tried headclip ste> ms made by the relevant builder - Holdsworth and R O Harrison respectively.> I n the case of the Holdsworth, thestem is actually of the same (early) lu> g pattern as the frame. Maybe the headclips compress the steerer tubes ove> r time?> > Both steerer tubes are for 1" headclips.> > As a last resort on the Harrison, I'm going to try a Titan stem, with the p> re-war version of the Kint/Maes, etc., bars, same pattern as post war, but > marked "Tour de France" and "S Maes". This bar/stem combination was availa> ble over here f rom Tabucchi, who listed them in the 1938 and 1939 catalogue> s.> > Time to take up another hobby - knitting, perhaps?> > Neil Foddering> Weymouth, Do rset, England> > > > From: sbirmingham@mindspring.com> > To: classicrendezv ous@bikelist.org> > Subject: RE: [CR] Shrinking steerer tubes> > Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 14:36:30 -0400> > > > Interesting, I just checked my bike from the 30's (maybe older) And it al> so> > takes a 22.0 stem.> > I believe it was originally headclip type, changed to a "regular" headset> > > > > Ream ing may be fine for one that has a 1 inch steerer, but mine is 15/16 > or>
> BSA thread. It's quite thin enough without> > reaming more out of the ins ide, so it may be worth checking yours to see > if> > it's inch or 15/16 >
> A French stem, or maybe a stem intended for a headclip type headset would
> be> > my first choice, as I hate modifying frames> > unless they're just common modern stuff... and even then. > > > > Steve Birmingham> > Lowell, M assachusetts> > United States of America> > (And a slow typist who kinda wh ishes he lived somewhere like Agana , Guam> )> > > > > > > > Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 09:28:22 -0700 (PDT)> > From: dean 53x13 <dpcowboy54@yahoo.com>> > To: gpvb1@comcast.net, classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > Subject: Re: [CR] Shrinking steerer tubes> > Message-ID: <794924.6566.qm@web56001.mail.re3.y ahoo.com>> > In-Reply-To:> > <031920081413.29038.47E11F97000E12810000716E22 16548686CE0D909F09@comcast.> net> > >> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset =iso-8859-1> > MIME-Version: 1.0> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit> > Pr ecedence: list> > Message: 14> > > > Reaming the steerer should be no probl em...you are really not taking out> > very much material...do it properly, with appropriate tools.> > > > gpvb1@comcast.net wrote: Yes - I have the sa me issue with my 1937 Wastyn> > six-day racer.> > > > I purchased a nice ol d Schwinn Paramount stem and bar for it, only to> > discover that it will o nly insert a couple inches. I asked around, and wa> s> > told that 22.0 mm steerers were often used 'back then.'> > > > Does anyone know the 'real tru th?'> > > > Should I (we, both of us) carefully ream the steerer? I'm not i n a hurry > to> > do that.....> > > > Greg Parker> > Ann Arbor, Michigan> > > > Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 09:19:18 +0000> > From: Neil Foddering > > To:
> > Subject: [CR] Shrinking steerer tubes> > > > I'm rebuilding my beautifu l 1939 R O Harrison with Osgear ends at the> > moment. It has been re-ename lled in what the enameller calls eau-de-nil> > -it's a pale pastel green - with cream seat tube panel, and I'm very plea> sed> > with the colour schem e. However, the bike and I are not speaking to each> > other at the moment. I worked on it the day before yesterday, and> > thought I'd fit an R O Har rison chrome stem I'd bought separately. Wrong> ! > > The stem is simply to o large in diameter for the steerer tube. A search> > through my> > period stems revealed that all my other handlebar stems wouldn't fit,> > except fo r a new old stock 1930's Reynolds twin bolt. It went in for a> > few inches , then stopped. Stupidly, I thought a couple of taps with a> > light mallet would encourage it, and it's now jammed, without having> > gone much deepe r. I wasn't been able to get to grips with it yesterday> > (58th birthday, so otherwise engaged) and I'm dreading finding out that> > it's well and tr uly stuck.> > > > Oddly, I've had the same problem with my 1946 Holdsworth, in that case > > an A&P steel stem, which Hilary had to get a friend of hi s to remove for > me.> > > > I've since bought the correct steel Holdsworth stem, with matching lug> > pattern, > > at great expense, and THAT won't g o in the Holdsworth's steerer tube eith> er.> > > > What's going on? I'd as sumed that the internal steerer diameters would b> e> > standard. > > Hilar y suggested that I use a French diameter stem, or track down someone> > wit h a suitable expanding reamer, and have the steerer on each bike> > opened out. I hate old bikes.> > > > Has anyone else experienced this problem? In each case, the steerer is i> nt> > ended for a head clip type headset.> > > > Neil Foddering> > Weymouth, Dorset, England> > > > > > _________________ ______________________________> > Classicrendezvous mailing list> > Classic rendezvous@bikelist.org> > http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classic rendezvous> > _____________________________________________________________ ____> Get Hotmail on your mobile. Text MSN to 63463 now!> http://mobile.uk. msn.com/pc/mail.aspx> > > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> --- ---------------------------> > Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 17:19:56 -0400> From: "Dr. Paul Williams" <castell5@sympatico.ca>> To: "Classic Rendezvous" <cla ssicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Subject: =?Windows-1252?Q?Now:_fitting_honk ing_rubbers!_Was:_=5BCR=5D_British_Cycl?=> =?Windows-1252?Q?ing_Ter ms_=96_a_few_more?=> Message-ID: <023b01c88b99$4fe9aaf0$0300a8c0@ourlap top>> References: <8CA595DC64110BE-1720-13AF@MBLK-M19.sysops.aol.com>> <BAY 141-W234387C6E66715B9E856A2BF010@phx.gbl>> Content-Type: text/plain;format =flowed;charset="Windows-1252";> reply-type=original> MIME-Version: 1 .0> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit> Precedence: list> Message: 4> > I got a pair of these honking rubbers from Pete Paine recently - I am damned > if I know how I am going to get them on the lever hoods (early GB Hiduminium
> Standard levers) though - does anyone have any tips or tricks for doing > this?> > TIA,> > Paul Williams,> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada> > > ----- Origin al Message ----- > From: "Neil Foddering" <neilfoddering@hotmail.com>> To: <grm1067@aol.com>; <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Sent: Friday, March 21 , 2008 4:53 PM> Subject: RE: [CR] British Cycling Terms \u2013 a few more> > > >> >> >> > There's a pair of honking rubbers on eBay at the moment - see:> >> > http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=3202302 43229&> > ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=011> >> > Neil Foddering> > Weymou th, Dorset, England> >> >> To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> >> Date: Fri , 21 Mar 2008 07:28:09 -0400> >> From: grm1067@aol.com> >> Subject: [CR] Br itish Cycling Terms \u2013 a few more> >>> >>> >> Reading what John Betmanis a nd Doug Smith wrote made me think that a coup> > le> >> of other terms.> >>
> >> \u201cOil up\u201d \u2013 car behind, already explained> >>> >> \u201cOil down\u201d \u2013 car approaching from the front> >>> >> \u201cEasy\u201d \u2013 shouted by the fr ont man, telling those beh> >> ind to slow up.> >>> >> The urgency of these calls was determined by the loudness of the voice.> >>> >> \u201cEASY!\u201d was accompanied a split-second later by sounds of Ma> >> facs (best brakes in the world!) locking wheels.> >>> >> \u201cPressures\u201d \u2013 High-pressure rims = Clincher rims> >>> >> \u201cTuggo\u201d \u2013 derisively applied to cyclists tu ggi> >> ng a saddlebag behind them. Being sensible, they were also riding p ressur> > es.> >>> >> \u201cThe bonk\u201d (aka hunger knock) \u2013 caused by not e ating> >> enough, either before or during the ride. The sugar level in the body go> > es> >> down and you end up feeling like death, sitting in a ditc h, in the rain,> > eat> >> ing an apple. If you are lucky, a real-friendly tuggo will stop, take pit> > y o> >> n you, and give you a couple of sandwi ches from his lovely saddlebag. Thi> > s w> >> ill change your attitude to tuggos and people in general.> >>> >> Have you guessed who was in the ditch yet?> >>> >> \u201cBonk bag\u201d \u2013 Mussette, used to carry enough food to> >> avoid being found in a ditch in the rain.> >>> >> \u201cDouble clanger\u201d \u2013 derisive term used by peopl> >> e using Sturmey-Archer hub gears to descri be a front changer, and the noi> > se> >> made when changing from one chain ring to the other, stemming from the old> > at> >> titude that derailleur g ears were something foreign and noisy, therefore> > not> >> quite nice.> >> \u201cCampag\u201d \u2013 the ONLY proper term for Campagnolo produ> >> cts!> >>> >
> I'm always a bit wary about recommending books, but, for those interested
> > in> >> an impression of Brit cycling in the 50s/60s, which broadens out into a> > his> >> tory of cycling, try "One more kilometre and we're in th e showers" by Tim> > Hi> >> lton> >>> >> Geoff Margetts,> >> Dreieich,> >> Frankfurt,> >> Germany> >> ________________________________________________ ________________________> >> Bei AOL gibt's jetzt kostenlos eMail für all e. Klicken Sie auf AOL.de> >> >> um heraus zu finden, was es sonst noch kos tenlos bei AOL gibt.> >>> >>> >> --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME par ts ---> >> multipart/alternative> >> text/plain (text body -- kept)> >> tex t/html> >> ---> >> _______________________________________________> >> Clas sicrendezvous mailing list> >> Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> >> http://ww w.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> >> > ___________________ ______________________________________________> > Win 100\u2019s of Virgin Exp erience days with BigSnapSearch.com> > http://www.bigsnapsearch.com> >> >>

bouvs@yahoo.ca>> To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> S ubject: [CR]For Sale: Clark's DT Shifter Cables Brown Teflon Coated> Messag e-ID: <863745.99989.qm@web88206.mail.re2.yahoo.com>> Content-Type: text/pla in; charset=iso-8859-1> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bi t> Precedence: list> Message: 6> > While on the subject of British Cycling Terms......> > I have 3 pairs of Clark's DT Shifter Cables available for sa le @ 5.00 per pair. These are Brown teflon coated.> > Shipping extra via Ca nada Post> > Cheers> > Brian Frank> Toronto, Ontario> Canada> > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Looking for the perfect gift? Give th e gift of Flickr!> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> mult ipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> -------- ----------------------> > Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 18:27:59 -0400> From: John Betmanis <johnb@oxford.net>> To: "Classic Rendezvous" <classicrendezvous@b ikelist.org>> Subject: [CR]Re: Now:_fitting_honking_rubbers> Message-ID: <3 .>> In-Reply-To: <023b01c 88b99$4fe9aaf0$0300a8c0@ourlaptop>> References: <8CA595DC64110BE-1720-13AF@ MBLK-M19.sysops.aol.com>> <BAY141-W234387C6E66715B9E856A2BF010@phx.gbl>> Co ntent-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence : list> Message: 7> > At 05:19 PM 21/03/2008 -0400, Dr. Paul Williams wrote :> >I got a pair of these honking rubbers from Pete Paine recently - I am d amned > >if I know how I am going to get them on the lever hoods (early GB Hiduminium > >Standard levers) though - does anyone have any tips or tricks for doing > >this?> > I remember putting these on the plain GB brakes with out adjusters and it> was not a problem. As with any rubber brake hoods, es pecially if they are> older and somewhat brittle, it's better to remove the levers from the bars> and disconnect the cables to do it.> > John Betmanis
> Woodstock, Ontario> Canada> ------------------------------> > Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 18:36:29 -0400> From: John Betmanis <johnb@oxford.net>> To: "Cl assic Rendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Subject: [CR]Re: Now:_f itting_honking_rubbers> Message-ID: < ost.oxford.net>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"> MIME-Versi on: 1.0> Precedence: list> Message: 8> > I just looked at the eBay item in question, No. 320230243229,> http://i23.ebayimg.com/06/i/000/e3/09/686e_1_b .JPG . These look like they> could be easily fitted by just removing the le vers from the bars. The ones> I was familiar with were made of amber gum ru bber and had an embossed> pattern and also an extension where the cables we re. I've seen them on the> web, but I'm damned if I can find them again.> > John Betmanis> Woodstock, Ontario> Canada> ------------------------------> > Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 18:45:55 -0400> From: "Dr. Paul Williams" <castel l5@sympatico.ca>> To: "John Betmanis" <johnb@oxford.net>> Cc: Classic Rende zvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Now:_fitting_h onking_rubbers> Message-ID: <024501c88ba5$52e0fb80$0300a8c0@ourlaptop>> Ref erences: <>> Content-Ty pe: text/plain;format=flowed;charset="iso-8859-1";> reply-type=origin al> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit> Precedence: list> M essage: 9> > John,> > You would think, but they are quite stiff and the hol e relatively small - I > wonder if a little heat would help, or talc as wit h later hoods?> > I did also remove the lever from the lever body and this may help. I > honestly haven't given it much effort yet as I am still a bit away from > applying the brakes (so to speak!)> > They are quite nicely fa shioned - they are copies of the original shockstops > that Pete Paine had produced (as far as I have been told) but are stamped > clubhoods.> > Cheer s,> > Paul.> > Paul Williams,> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada> > ----- Original Me ssage ----- > From: "John Betmanis" <johnb@oxford.net>> To: "Classic Rendez vous" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 6:36 P M> Subject: [CR]Re: Now:_fitting_honking_rubbers> > > >I just looked at the eBay item in question, No. 320230243229,> > http://i23.ebayimg.com/06/i/00 0/e3/09/686e_1_b.JPG . These look like they> > could be easily fitted by ju st removing the levers from the bars. The ones> > I was familiar with were made of amber gum rubber and had an embossed> > pattern and also an extensi on where the cables were. I've seen them on the> > web, but I'm damned if I can find them again.> >> > John Betmanis> > Woodstock, Ontario> > Canada>
> _______________________________________________> > Classicrendezvous mail ing list> > Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > http://www.bikelist.org/mailm an/listinfo/classicrendezvous> > > > ------------------------------> > Date : Fri, 21 Mar 2008 16:01:44 -0700> From: "Charles Andrews" <chasds@mindspri ng.com>> To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Subject: [CR]re: confente..o r non> Message-ID: <002101c88ba7$895d6de0$6401a8c0@DELL>> Content-Type: tex t/plain;charset="iso-8859-1"> MIME-Version: 1.0> Precedence: list> Messag e: 10> > If the bike had been built for Boyer, value is increased..that's j ust > common-sense. If he was the original owner but it was not custom-buil t > for him, any premium would be reduced..if he simply bought it from > an other party, or bought it new from John's, then the premium is perhaps > at a minimum. If he'd won some races on it, that'd be nice, of course.> > I h ave no idea what the premium for Boyer-provenance would be. But > there pro bably is one.> > If it has confente's trick parts (panto'd and enamelled st uff, mostly), > value is increased. If it was built up from stock OEM parts , value is a > little less. If the parts on it are all-original from Confen te, or even > from John's, value increases some.> > All by way of saying th at valuing a bike like that is a tricky business, > and requires a thoughtf ul buyer. 6-8K sounds likely, to me. Depending > on various details.> > Hea ven knows where the guy heard a rumor about a 20K confente. Anyone > here h eard that one? Maybe a bike for a famous person might climb up > into the s tratosphere like that...but other than that? Hard to figure.> > Charles And rews> Los Angeles> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> mult ipart/alternative> text/plain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> -------- ----------------------> > Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 16:09:05 -0700 (PDT)> From : Art Link <artlink@columnssanantonio.com>> To: classic rendezvous <classic rendezvous@bikelist.org>> Subject: Fwd: Re: [CR]Re: Now:_fitting_honking_ru bbers> Message-ID: <725177.14176.qm@web51607.mail.re2.yahoo.com>> Content-T ype: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1> MIME-Version: 1.0> Content-Transfer- Encoding: 8bit> Precedence: list> Reply-To: artlink@columnssanantonio.com> Message: 11> > Try a little water based "personal lubricant". This won't da mage the rubber and is really slick. Don't use to much or you'll slip over the bars.Art Link-a lover not a fighter-,San Antonio,Texas,United States of America> > "Dr. Paul Williams" <castell5@sympatico.ca> wrote: From: "Dr. P aul Williams" <castell5@sympatico.ca>> To: "John Betmanis" <johnb@oxford.ne t>> Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Now:_fitting_honking_rubbers> Date: Fri, 21 Mar 20 08 18:45:55 -0400> CC: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> > John,> > You would think, but they are quite stiff and the hole relative ly small - I > wonder if a little heat would help, or talc as with later ho ods?> > I did also remove the lever from the lever body and this may help. I > honestly haven't given it much effort yet as I am still a bit away from > applying the brakes (so to speak!)> > They are quite nicely fashioned - they are copies of the original shockstops > that Pete Paine had produced ( as far as I have been told) but are stamped > clubhoods.> > Cheers,> > Paul .> > Paul Williams,> Ottawa, Ontario, Canada> > ----- Original Message ---- - > From: "John Betmanis" > To: "Classic Rendezvous" > Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 6:36 PM> Subject: [CR]Re: Now:_fitting_honking_rubbers> > > >I jus t looked at the eBay item in question, No. 320230243229,> > http://i23.ebay img.com/06/i/000/e3/09/686e_1_b.JPG . These look like they> > could be easi ly fitted by just removing the levers from the bars. The ones> > I was fami liar with were made of amber gum rubber and had an embossed> > pattern and also an extension where the cables were. I've seen them on the> > web, but I'm damned if I can find them again.> >> > John Betmanis> > Woodstock, Onta rio> > Canada> > _______________________________________________> > Classic rendezvous mailing list> > Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > http://www.bik elist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> > > > _______________________ ________________________> Classicrendezvous mailing list> Classicrendezvous @bikelist.org> http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous>
> > > > The Columns on Alamo> Welcome to our bed and breakfast in San Anton io, Texas. Come fiesta with us!> We offer off-street parking, and the downt own trolley stops just a 1/2 block away!> All rooms have a private bath, TV and telephone.> Wireless Internet Access available in all rooms (EXCEPT th e Rockhouse Cottage)> Please contact us if you have any questions, thanks!
> (210)271-3245 · (800)233-3364 · ArtLink@ColumnsSanAntonio.com> > --- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---> multipart/alternative> text/p lain (text body -- kept)> text/html> ---> ------------------------------> > Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 19:30:29 -0400> From: "Dr. Paul Williams" <castell5 @sympatico.ca>> To: <artlink@columnssanantonio.com>> Cc: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> Subject: Re: Re: [CR]Re: Now:_fitting_ho nking_rubbers> Message-ID: <024a01c88bab$8cb77180$0300a8c0@ourlaptop>> Refe rences: <725177.14176.qm@web51607.mail.re2.yahoo.com>> Content-Type: text/p lain;format=flowed;charset="iso-8859-1";> reply-type=original> MIME-V ersion: 1.0> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit> Precedence: list> Message: 12
> > Art,> > That conjures up all sorts of images and is wide open to inuend o - I am not > sure whether to involve my wife or not. I just mentioned you r suggestion to > her. She laughed and said that would certainly work yand that ou can also > warm them up in your hands or with a hair dryer - shame the kids have only > just gone to bed!!!> > Paul.> > Paul Williams,> Ottawa , Ontario, Canada> ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Art Link" <artlink @columnssanantonio.com>> To: "classic rendezvous" <classicrendezvous@bikeli st.org>> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 7:09 PM> Subject: Fwd: Re: [CR]Re: No w:_fitting_honking_rubbers> > > > Try a little water based "personal lubric ant". This won't damage the > > rubber and is really slick. Don't use to mu ch or you'll slip over the > > bars.Art Link-a lover not a fighter-,San Ant onio,Texas,United States of > > America> >> > "Dr. Paul Williams" <castell5 @sympatico.ca> wrote: From: "Dr. Paul > > Williams" <castell5@sympatico.ca>
> > To: "John Betmanis" <johnb@oxford.net>> > Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Now:_fit ting_honking_rubbers> > Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 18:45:55 -0400> > CC: Classi c Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>> >> > John,> >> > You would t hink, but they are quite stiff and the hole relatively small - > > I> > won der if a little heat would help, or talc as with later hoods?> >> > I did a lso remove the lever from the lever body and this may help. I> > honestly h aven't given it much effort yet as I am still a bit away from> > applying t he brakes (so to speak!)> >> > They are quite nicely fashioned - they are c opies of the original > > shockstops> > that Pete Paine had produced (as fa r as I have been told) but are stamped> > clubhoods.> >> > Cheers,> >> > Pa ul.> >> > Paul Williams,> > Ottawa, Ontario, Canada> >> > ----- Original Me ssage ----- > > From: "John Betmanis"> > To: "Classic Rendezvous"> > Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 6:36 PM> > Subject: [CR]Re: Now:_fitting_honking_rub bers> >> >> >>I just looked at the eBay item in question, No. 320230243229,
> >> http://i23.ebayimg.com/06/i/000/e3/09/686e_1_b.JPG . These look like t hey> >> could be easily fitted by just removing the levers from the bars. T he > >> ones> >> I was familiar with were made of amber gum rubber and had an embossed> >> pattern and also an extension where the cables were. I've s een them on > >> the> >> web, but I'm damned if I can find them again.> >>> >> John Betmanis> >> Woodstock, Ontario> >> Canada> >> ___________________ ____________________________> >> Classicrendezvous mailing list> >> Classic rendezvous@bikelist.org> >> http://www.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classi crendezvous> >>> >> > _______________________________________________> > Cl assicrendezvous mailing list> > Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> > http://ww w.bikelist.org/mailman/listinfo/classicrendezvous> >> >> >> >> > The Column s on Alamo> > Welcome to our bed and breakfast in San Antonio, Texas. Come fiesta with > > us!> > We offer off-street parking, and the downtown trolle y stops just a 1/2 > > block away!> > All rooms have a private bath, TV and telephone.> > Wireless Internet Access available in all rooms (EXCEPT the Rockhouse > > Cottage)> > Please contact us if you have any questions, than ks!> > (210)271-3245 · (800)233-3364 · ArtLink@ColumnsSanAntonio.com> >

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