It sounds like something Spenco, the glove people, may of offered as an aft ermarket upgrade. Yes, no, maybe?
Peter Schwar
Montreal Quebec
>Jon Tromp wrote:
Odd thing on the 83 Trek I picked up.The hoods were long gone, but the leve
rs had what essentially looked like "Honking Rubbers" except they were made
of nylon & velcro'd on. A bit worn, nylon won't hold up as well as rubber
I'm sure, & probaly not truly vintage (80's..Maybe..).? I was kinda plannin
g on just getting new hoods at this point, but they were kinda neat in thei
r own way.I'm kinda curious, anyone else seen these around? Can ya still ge
t 'em?If this isn't period 'nuff I do apologize in advance, & do accept all