Maybe we could collectively fill in some blanks on the background for these makes (which I think were all identical initially) The people we initially dealt with were headquartered in San Jose. We may have unknowingly participated in their market survey as we were shown bikes in various configurations from different countries. The bikes ranged from basic Flandrias (Triplex derailleurs no less) up to an Australian built Bates this all evolved into Lambert/Harris/Viscount. They wanted us to preorder using a letter of credit (this device was not something we were familiar with being a small bike shop) eventually the bikes arrived but I do not remember the way they were paid for (or who the distributor was) We did not order one of the Gold plated bikes but I seem to recall the bikes that came had gold painted brake calipers. This was spring 1971. I also remember the bikes that came with Sewups had to have the brake pads at the very bottom of the brake calipers to work . The paint was quite good but the decaling was stick on foil.Color choice seemed to have been Red or Blue and all bikes came with the Aerospace alloy fork. I believe some of these bikes might still be in storage at my Mothers house and I will look next time I am down there.
Anyone else who can add anything to this?