Charles Andrews wrote:
> Still working on my weight-weenie project for Cirque..
> and I'm wondering
> about this OMAS titanium bb I want to use. Did the axle
> in it break
> like the first-gen Campagnolo Super Record titanium axle?
> It looks like
> it would have the same problem, but if this is a
> different alloy, maybe
> not.
> This does bring up a couple of other questions that I'm
> sure have been
> answered here before, but maybe not in full detail (I did
> a little
> archive search and didn't quite find what I was looking
> for).. How
> often did the first-gen Super Record titanium bb axle
> break, and under
> what circumstances? Could it be used more judiciously,
> or would it fail
> after a certain amount of use no matter what kind of use?
> And I've always wondered about the campagnolo
> titanium-spindle Super
> Record pedals. Did those really break routinely, or
> could they, too, be
> used judiciously (that is, not constantly hammering on
> them in sprints
> in high gears) without breaking?
I've used two sets of Campy SR pedals (one Pista, one Strada) with Ti spindles for many years in all kinds of conditions, with not a single problem. I weigh about 170 lbs.
I plan on using an OMAS Ti axled BB in my next bike -- have not heard of problems with these.
Results may vary depending on your riding style and weight.
Emanuel Lowi Montreal, Quebec
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