[CR]Was: Advice needed on mounting the left BB-Cup Problem solved Now: WTT WTB Zeus titanium spindle

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

From: "Schmid" <schmidi@gaponline.de>
To: "'David Snyder'" <dddd@pacbell.net>, "'Classic Rendezvous'" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2008 13:38:23 +0200
In-Reply-To: <002a01c8aaf4$717f2800$4001a8c0@compaq>
Subject: [CR]Was: Advice needed on mounting the left BB-Cup Problem solved Now: WTT WTB Zeus titanium spindle

Folks, Thanks for the input and all the hints and tips. Meanwhile I solved the problem. I checked everything again, and as it is a new frame and the campa die I used is also pretty unused, this was not the problem. After running in the tapping die another time I realised it needs a little more force when run in deeper. So I decided to run it in as far as I could in order to make sure even the last threads of the die are cutting. This obviously did the trick, afterwards I could install the cup with ease. It appears that the cutting die due to ist's conical construction cuts better and deeper with the last threads. I have installed the desired Zeus 2000 Titanium BB just to find out it's spindle is to long for my needs, measuring 112mm or so. Does anybody want to trade or has a shorter 107mm spndle for my prokject? It is not that I would not have enough proper spindles around, but not a singe titanium.


Michael Schmid Oberammergau Germany Tel.: +49 8821 798790 Fax.:+49 8821 798791 mail: schmid@zunterer.com http://www.zunterer.com

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org [mailto:classicrendezvous-bounces@bikelist.org] Im Auftrag von David Snyder Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. April 2008 21:00 An: Classic Rendezvous Betreff: Re: [CR] Advice needed on mounting the left BB-Cup

I'm with Greg on this one, seems your tap may have become dulled by cutting chromed threads in the past? Your tap isn't cutting it (pun intended).

David Snyder Auburn, CA usa

Greg Parker replied:
> Are you saying that a loose cup (no spindle or bearings are in place)
> is
> that tight? And that several brands of cups have the same issue?
> If so, maybe the BB taps that you used are old and worn, so somewhat
> undersized? Are the taps for sure both 36 x 24 tpi? Or is the left-side
> one 1.370 x 24 (BSC)?
>> Michael Schmid asked:
> Fellow List members,
> I am building up a beautiful golden Vetta frame and tried to assemble
> the BB-Cups. For some unknown reason the left BB-Cup will not go in as
> appropriate. I have reamed the threads with the proper Campy die tool
> (several times)and tried various different 24x36 threaded cups, none
> but one older used Rino right cup will go in well. All others will get
> stuck after some turns to an extent that i even broke the pins on my
> BB-wrench. I am totally clueless here since I do not want to ruin the
> pinholes or the wrench using to much brute force. I have, over the
> years, mounted a lot of cups, but it was never as hard as this time. I
> even tried some grease or WD 40 as lubricant without success. I have
> to say that it is fully chromed frame and i faced similiar problems
> but not as stubborn as this one on other chrome frames. Does anybody
> her have further ideas or hints? I suppose those left BB cups with the
> pin holes are not designed to be mounted forceful. The right cup was
> hard o mount too, but since it has the flats it was easy to use some
> more force, again with the proper Campy tool designed for this. Should
> I try to mount a right cup with more force to "loosen" or "widen" the
> threads? I suppose there is no special tool with more than two pins
> for this task?