RE: [CR]ALMARC leather covered handlebars Installation???

(Example: Production Builders:Tonard)

From: Tom Forbes <>
To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: [CR]ALMARC leather covered handlebars Installation???
Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 20:54:30 -0500
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References: <>

Hi Bruce, I just finished doing just that on a pair of 3ttt bars. Going on an early 70s Raleigh with a 3ttt record stem, so I decided to unstitch and stitch back. Two of my wife's knitting needles (the ones about two inches l ong), and thread from a Vittoria tubular repair kit turned out a very close
   match to the original thread. Took about an hour and a half, one blister o n a little finger, but looks nice. Just have to keep tension on threads and
   be patient and keep pulling and tie off the end into the bar. Be sure to g et your stem length correct, I know I don't want to do it again for a while . If it is like mine, do the stitching like tieing a shoe lace, cross over coming from both sides. Good luck. Tom Forbes Houston, Texas, USA.> Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 06:07:47 -0700> From: masi3v4me> To:> Subject: [CR]ALMARC leather
   covered handlebars Installation???> > Folks: I just received one of those beautiful hand-stiched Almarc 3T handlebars from a seller in Germany. He wa s selling several bars. > Since the brake mounts are already there, they po se no problem. But how can a stem be put on the bars. With that soft leathe r, you only get one chance? A modern clamp-over stem would work, but come o n! This may go on my Guerciotti. > > > Bruce Thomson Spokane WA 99204 > (50 9) 747 4314 >> > > > > > >
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