There are a huge variety of interests on this list. It really does have to be narrowed down to keep from having hundreds of E-Mails a day.this sometimes happens on the IBOB list and it is easily the worst feature of that list.
Dale and I often disagree about what to include, but I never question his fairness or wisdom in this.
Let me suggest that folks who want to discuss indexing shifts, clipless pedals, C Record, etc. read the posts for a week or two and you will easily find other members who have similar interests and these items may be discussed off list very easily. Even with the List Meister, occasionally!
It is by no means an attempt to stifle dissent or exert an elitist influence that limits what is on topic, but just a good hearted and sincere attempt to make the amount of traffic on the list manageable.
Tom Sanders
About to climb on one of his C Record indexing bikes with clipless pedals and grinning from ear to ear in Lansing, Mi USA