Re: [CR] Raising money for Cirque some goodies for sale, Saddles...

(Example: Racing:Beryl Burton)

From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Raising money for Cirque some goodies for sale, Saddles...
Date: Fri, 09 May 2008 19:44:10 +0000

<snip> Nuovo Record NIB Italian marked 70-SSA, has crank bolts, brg.s, sleeve, Lock Ring etc. Original price sticker on box is $152.95! Your price $90 See why it's called Tom's Bargain Basement?


That sounds like a Croce d'Aune spindle, 111 mm long, which uses NR cups. Regards, Greg Parker Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 12:18:57 -0400 From: "Tom Sanders" <> To: <> Subject: [CR] Raising money for Cirque some goodies for sale, Saddles, FreewheelsBasementopens!

In an effort to get some money around to send myself to Cirque, I have been combing through my stash trying to find some really nice and unusual things that folks might like, but that are extra to me. I have found some and they are listed below. Prices are in addition to shipping, which will be at actual cost. I can deliver to Cirque, but I want to be paid now, not at Cirque. Hope that doesn't sound cold, but I need the money now and one would not normally ship things hoping to be paid for them on arrival, anyway.

Black Ti Railed Brooks B-17 Champion Special (think big rivets) saddle, mint, MSRP $312, your price $150

Honey Ti railed B-17 Champion Special, darkening has begun in earnest ( I find this attractive, myself) sides are laced. $100

NIB Honey Brooks Ti Railed Swift. Box a bit roughed up, saddle fine. MSRP $350, your price $175.

Three French Cyclo 5 speed Freewheels:

First a Cyclo 72 14-22 that appears unused, $22.

Next a Cyclo 72 14-26 that appears unused $30

Lastly a Cyclo 64 14-26 that has either very light usage or some shop wear $40

Bottom Brackets:

Nuovo Record NIB Italian marked 70-SSA, has crank bolts, brg.s, sleeve, Lock Ring etc. Original price sticker on box is $152.95! Your price $90 See why it's called Tom's Bargain Basement?

Mavic BB w/ crank bolts, nice condition, I measure it 111mm. Nice if you have some stripped threads on your bike! $55

Suntour Superbe Pro BB, Italian, marked 68-S, w/sleeve and crank bolts, very nice $55

Campagnolo Pista NOS BB, English, marked 68-P-120, crank bolts appear alloy A rare opportunity for somebody. $115

150 gram tube of Campagnolo grease. I have dabbed my finger on it a couple of times to coat bolt ends, but it is full for all intents and purposes. This is the white tube with blue script that tapers to nearly a point toward the bottom. No E-Bay prices here! $25

Tom Sanders

Lansing, Mi USA