An update for anyone interested in the Dallas vintage ride.
I am planning on pre-riding the route this coming Sunday. Once that is com pleted I will be able to put my final approval on the route and know that i s good to go. If anyone is interested in getting out for a short ride with me on this pre-ride please contact me off list. Plan is to leave a little after 8 this coming Sunday morning. Hopefully I won't get us lost in the process. Guess better now than come the 8th right? Current route is 35mil es. If you are interested in a slightly shorter (likely 25-28miles) route option, please contact me so that I can try to get a ride leader for this r oute, or at least have the cue-sheet and maps prepared for it. I plan do t he maps for the shorter route regardless just in case.
I plan to ride my recently purchase and hopefully by then completed 1978 Ga zelle A-frame. I have decided to build it with a combination of first gen SunTour Superbe and Cyclone components. The future may still see it dresse d in Nuovo Record, but for now I'm looking forward to seeing how the Suntou r parts perform. Marty promises to bring his Zieleman (or will it be the D e Reus, my money is on the Zieleman), and a Merckx and a Gios rumored to be making an appearance as well.
If you are considering attending, please let me know so that I can keep a r ough head count and we don't leave too early before anything driving in fro m other areas are able to arrive. Thank you.
Jon Fischer Dallas, Texas, USA
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