Re: [CR]ISO: Smallest Campy Part Ever?

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus)

From: "Jim Ready" <>
To: "devotion finesse" <>, "CR discussion list" <>
References: <BLU113-W28C095605CC07F65A0284F5BC0@phx.gbl>
Subject: Re: [CR]ISO: Smallest Campy Part Ever?
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 21:04:04 -0700

As far as the smallest Campy part goes how about this:

the little rubber bumper that goes on a front NR/SR brake to cushion the brake when hitting the down tube.

Jim Ready
Cupertino, California USA

----- Original Message -----
From: devotion finesse
To: CR discussion list
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 8:49 PM
Subject: [CR]ISO: Smallest Campy Part Ever?

> Ladies and Gentlemen,
> (I know, I know...This a silly little piece of minutia to be obsessed
> over,
> BUT...)
> I have a set of three Campagnolo rear brake cable clamp-ons (for the top
> tu
> be) and one is missing a screw. Does anyone have one of these tiny tiny
> scr
> ews that I can get my hands on? Or perhaps an orphan clip with a screw to
> s
> pare?
> I'd hate to have to spend $30 for a new complete set...just to replace a
> si
> ngle stinkin' screw!
> Please lemme know if you have something between the cracks of the sofa.
> Muchas Gracias,
> Matthew Bowne
> Brooklyn, New York
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