Re: [CR] Newbie's First Email

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Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: Re: [CR] Newbie's First Email
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 16:28:52 -0400
Thread-Topic: Re: [CR] Newbie's First Email
Thread-Index: AcjBypvIXFkiV6QxT7eMwtsjsqVhJQ==
From: "Lee, Paul" <>
To: <>

Hi Eryck,

Welcome to the CR list! I'll comment on a few of your questions.

Initial observation 1, email traffic:

I just periodically look at the archive list on the web. No mail clogging up my work inbox. Digest is another option.

Initial observation 2, extent of knowledge:

I worked at bike shops in the summers in the 70's and knew about that era. Now I have some stuff from the 60's 50's 40's and even a 1936 track bike. The CR list community has the knowledge to help with understanding these things. I'm just now dealing with building up an 80's C-Record bike and am hitting new, for me, snags. Unfortunately, no help available from the CR list (on list, that is).

Question 1, original paint detection guide lines:

I don't know much about NOS type stuff. I am a bottom feeder that likes battered old bikes with tell-tale bike shop stickers still on them.

Question 2, lack of Daccordi presence on Dales site:

I think it is a case of nobody contributing info. I have two Daccordis and think they are great. I picked up my first in Italy near Pisa where they are from and plentiful. My second was found at the "T-Town" swap meet in Pennsylvania. I should take pictures and send them to Dale.

Question 3, KOF meaning:

My take on it is that Keeper of the Flame means someone making an effort to keep a craft alive, not let the flame get extinguished. The fact that framebuilders use a torch is perhaps coincidental. This may be wrong but it is how I see it.

Question 4, Cinelli Laser: I don't know much about them, sorry.

Question 5, humid storage and rust: I have similar concerns. I run a dehumidifier but need to get the bikes out and ride them and wipe them down every so often. Boeshield is supposed to help prevent rust and maybe I should try it on some of the chrome bits that typically get rust like brake springs and chainring bolts.

I think steel bikes after 1983 get talked about on CR under that KOF loophole. My wife rides a C40 that we acquired from a CR member. She really enjoys it.

I don't think you broke any rules. Many topics in one post may make it more difficult to respond and I think it helps to have a singular topic in the subject that can identify a thread for those interested. Just my opinion and not a rule. (my mails sometimes wrap badly. Hope this one gets through OK)


Paul Lee Huntington, New York United States of America

Eryck wrote:

Greetings to all. I am a newbie. Got on the list about 3 weeks ago bu t just managed to gather enough courage to write - very scary with so many pro 's around. Was also initially overwhelmed by:

1. The amount of emails in my inbox (work email) everyday - but now, I' m good at scanning through them and clearing my inbox; and 2. The amount of information that I have been so ignorant of. My exper ience and interest in bikes are somewhat limited to the 80's and thought I kn ew quite a bit about bikes but realized that there's so much that I didn't know esp earlier bikes. A bit like a horse with blinkers on all these years .

Now, a few newbie questions:

1. Is there a rule of thumb or some rough guidelines to tell whether a

frame has been resprayed or whether it still has the original paint? Of cour se, no issue for battered frames but some close to NOS condition frames, say f rom the 70's would be a potential concern.

2. Why is Daccordi not on the Classic Rendezvous site? I don't have a Daccordi (I have a Zeus, Masi and Colnago Master) - just thought that t hey look nice and was a name I saw quite a bit growing up in the 80's.

3. KOF. Yes, I know it stands for Keeper of the Flame but what does th is mean? Something to do with a torch flame??

4. Cinelli Laser - missed one on Ebay not long ago and don't see them v ery often. Any mint condition frames/bikes out there for sale?

5. I think I know the answer to this there any way to stop ru st? I hang my bikes on my wall. HK is very humid but I have dehumidifiers on most of the time. However, the chrome parts on my bike do show signs of rus t. I suppose I should be polishing them more often but just wondering if the re are other preventive methods out there.

In terms of the contentious cut-off date of 1983, well, I would think t hat steel bikes after that would be worth talking about as well. Personall y, I don't care about aluminum, titanium or carbon frames (eventhough my eve ryday ride now is a Colnago C40) because their construction methods are just

too different to the steel lugged frames, which I'm crazy about.

I hope I didn't break any rules by asking so many questions in one emai l - just didn't want to flood your inbox!

Eryck Su Hong Kong, China

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