Sorry to take the bandwidth here, but I am hoping to help Toni solve the problem.
A lot of ISPs have portals where you can look at your email via your browser without having to access the POP server or having to download it. Check into that and you should be able to delete the offending file(s). I did a quick google and it appears your ISP does have such a portal. -- Lynn Travers Hazelwood, Missouri USA
> Sorry, but while I was away someone (not a lister) has sent me an
> unwanted mail of 37MB (Megabyte) of photos, and my inbox is
> immobilized. The mail is so big that I can´t even delete it, let alone
> download it. I am absolutely furious about this and can only apologize
> to the list. As soon as I´ll have cleared up this mess - which at the
> moment I don´t know how to achieve - I´ll get back to you.
> There are some people who should be forced to take a photoshop class
> before being sold a computer.
> Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.