RE: [CR]Ever see these FREJUS decals before?

(Example: Framebuilders:Pino Morroni)

From: Stephen James <>
To: devotion finesse <>, CR discussion list <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Ever see these FREJUS decals before?
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 18:59:51 +0000
In-Reply-To: <BLU113-W24D5E9E54EAC5648AFFB6DF5760@phx.gbl>

Hi Matt,

I can't confirm anything, but I can make some observations. It's interes ting that you say the bike is a 1962 model. I have a '58 Frejus; the hea dbadge reads "camp olimpionato" and doesn't have the years. I've seen a ch rome Frejus that was older than mine, however, that did have the headba dge with the years ("1930 ....1954." So, perhaps the bike is headbadge h as been replaced or the bike is older than 1962.

As far as the paint scheme, I, too, have only seen chrome Frejuses wi th red or blue themes. As far as the decal, specifically, I've seen it before; but that was on a bike that had been rechromed.

All I can say about the dropouts is that mine are Campy.

regards, Steve James Bronx, NY USA
   > 144> 7636/> > Also, does anyone know what year Campagnolo track ends firs t made their a> ppearance on Frejus bikes? _________________________________________________________________ Your PC, mobile phone, and online services work together like never bef ore.