Hello , I'm the seller, LORENZO....it's just, they are Japanese ....
I had the chance to purchase a stock in a old shop, containing mainly par
ts RENE HERSE .... I have also 3 bikes RENE HERSE complete, but I never
did dismount these bikes to sell parts...> From: chasds@mindspring.com> To
: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 19:21:27 -0700>
Subject: [CR]ebay outing: cyclo derailleur> > I must confess, I am still
bemused by the way in which our asian friends > (I assume two japanese bidd
ers are responsible for this) bid up the > price of something long before i
t's over. Seems like a very high price > to pay for a little testosterone r
ush, you know? > > http://ebay.com/
find modified by Herse, separated from > their frames? Seems like there
should be more than a few, but given how > limited Herse's production was
, maybe not that many.> > Charles Andrews> Los Angeles> > --- StripMime R
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