>> Every one of them was riding carbon wonder bikes.
> Those same riders wouldn't have said hi if it was 1978 and they were
> on steel wonder bikes. It's the rider, not the bike.
> Morgan "says hi" Fletcher
> Oakland, CA USA
Cycling friends:
I'd like to offer yet another prospective on those seemly unfriendly cyclists. They most likely were not even born in 1978. I can't speak for the rest of the country, but here in the New York area, and especially in the New York Cycle Club, there seems to be a newfound snobbishness. Perhaps it's a form of competitiveness. But if you're not on the "right" bike or wearing the "right" kit, you are engored.
Michael, who always says hi and asks a dismounted cyclist if they need help, Allison, New York, New York
PS: Chuck Schmidt's unnecessary, hostile comments, are a sad business.