Re: [CR]Reissued vintage saddles?

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli:Laser)

Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2008 14:41:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Reissued vintage saddles?
To:, donald gillies <>
In-Reply-To: <>

Actually, the Persons Majestic is a Brooks Swift clone, but with copper-pla ted steel rails rather than Ti.  I think this was introduced before Brook s recently began offering a steel railed Swift. The two Persons models I su ppose are KOF, as these models are relatively recent, although the Person s company goes back to the 19th century, and the same family still owns it.   If we are talking KOF saddles, don't forget the Selle An-Atomica sold b y Rivendell.  This is an American-made all leather saddle slotted in the middle, very retro.  One thing I find annoying about it is the model desi gnation "Titanico" although there is absolutely no titanium in it.  Avail able in several shades of brown and black, plus red.  I have a red one on my red 50th Anniversary Paramount.


Jerry Moos

--- On Sun, 9/7/08, donald gillies wrote:

From: donald gillies <> Subject: [CR]Reissued vintage saddles? To: Cc: Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 3:33 PM

An Incomplete List of On-Topic Saddles that are STILL IN PRODUCTION


Brooks Professional Rebour (Large Rivets) Brooks Professional (Large Rivets; Small Rivets went out of production ~200 5) Brooks B-17 Brooks B-17 Narrow Brooks B-17 Sprinter Brooks Swallow Steel Rails

(Tony Hargrove in the U.K. can rebuild most Brooks and some Ideale saddles. )


Selle San Marco Concor SuperLeggera Ti (**) (they call it 'Concor Sette Zero' and use a new cover) Selle San Marco Rolls (Black only (**)) Selle San Marco Rolls Ti (Black only (**)) Selle San Marco Regal (Black only (**))


Persons #77 (B-17 clone, black, honey, green, blue, etc.) Persons Majestic (Brooks Pro clone, black, honey, green, blue, etc.)


(**) Note that San Marco will make small batches saddles in custom colors if you produce an order of 50 or more saddles. For Red and Blue Regal saddles, has done this. For Red Rolls saddles, list member Steve Maasland last year set up an order of 50 saddles, I got (1) Red Rolls, and (1) Sette Zero saddle; you can mix-in production saddles to hit the target of 50.

Importantly, it would probably be possible to put together an order of 50 San Marco Concor Ti saddles with maybe 2 or 3 colors, such as Blue, Yellow, and Red, and no stitching, like the traditional saddles. These are very hot sellers on ebay right now !!

In my opinion, part of the the CR list's mission should be to organize ourselves to offer reproduction items to the whole community. So far it's only been Steve Maasland (saddles) and Robbie Fellowes (Campy Hoods) who have taken the lead in this area.

- Don Gillies
San Diego, CA