Re: [CR]RE: CR]Reissued vintage saddles?

(Example: Framebuilders:Alex Singer)

Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 07:11:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Barry" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]RE: CR]Reissued vintage saddles?
To:, Steve Birmingham <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

The Brooks Imperial (a re-introduction of an adapted 1890's design that is possibly the initial inspiration for the Anatomica) will be on the way very soon now folks. I've been fortunate enough to have been testing mine for over 700 miles this year. Like any saddle, it isn't going to be the right thing for everyone, but it certainly has made a difference for me. I have spent several multi-hour rides on the saddle, and while I still have all th e other usual aches and pains when through with the ride, I have been free of the dreaded numbness, and haven't found myself restlessly shifting posit ions after 90 minutes of riding in an effort to get comfortable.

Those who have been testing this out have been told Brooks is gearing up fo r production. If you're interested, you can read the feedback from testers in Bikeforums:


John Barry Mechanicsburg, PA, USA

--- On Mon, 9/8/08, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <> wrote

> From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>

> Subject: Re: [CR]RE: CR]Reissued vintage saddles?

> To:, "Steve Birmingham" <sbirmingham@minds>

> Date: Monday, September 8, 2008, 8:46 AM

> I did find that the Selle An-Atomica needed considerable

> tensioning before

> use.  The same was true of the Persons #77 Deluxe.  Like

> you, I've neve

> r had to tension a new Brooks, or a new Ideale, for that

> matter.  Another

> thing I found was the underside of the Persons was quite

> dry or perhaps qu

> ite porous.  I usually treat the underside of a new saddle

> with Proofhide

> just to get it slightly moist.  With a Brooks, one

> application is enough

> to moisten the underside.  With the Persons it took

> several.  So both

> the Selle An-Atomica and the Persons took more setup than

> the minimal amoun

> t required for a Brooks, but once set up, both have been

> quite satisfactory

> .


> Regards,


> Jerry Moos

> Big Spring, Texas, USA



> --- On Sun, 9/7/08, Steve Birmingham

> <> wrote:


> From: Steve Birmingham <>

> Subject: [CR]RE: CR]Reissued vintage saddles?

> To:

> Date: Sunday, September 7, 2008, 11:15 PM


> The shop I work for just sold a Selle Anatomica, the first

> one we've done.

> While I'm glad it's being made,the design still

> needs some work. The

> tensioning is interesting, being an allen bolt

> reshaped to pull the nose out when unscrewing it. Good

> idea, but the

> structure it pulls isn't

> particularly stable. This lets the nose tilt and come off

> the tensioning

> bolt. I was able to

> put it back together pretty easily, but the customer

> couldn't. It all

> worked

> out in the end, but

> it is an area that needs attention. Perhaps BEFORE they get

> carried away

> with ostrich leather in colors.

> (Too late, I see they have several colors in stock)


> I suppose we'll just have to pre-tension any others

> before sale, which

> seems

> to me to be something

> the factory should have done. The few new Brooks saddles

> I've had needed no

> adjustment in order to use them.


> The final shape needed some help as well, since the slot

> makes the saddle

> spread when tightened.


> All in all, a bit more work than a new saddle should

> require for use.


> Steve Birmingham

> Lowell, Massachusetts



> Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2008 14:41:19 -0700 (PDT)

> From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos

> <>

> To:,

> donald gillies <>

> Cc:

> Subject: Re: [CR]Reissued vintage saddles?


> Actually, the Persons Majestic is a Brooks Swift clone, but

> with copper-pla

> ted steel rails rather than Ti. I think this was

> introduced before Brook s

> recently began offering a steel railed Swift. The two

> Persons models I su

> ppose are KOF, as these models are relatively recent,

> although the Person s

> company goes back to the 19th century, and the same family

> still owns it.

> If we are talking KOF saddles, don't forget the Selle

> An-Atomica sold b y

> Rivendell. This is an American-made all leather saddle

> slotted in the

> middle, very retro. One thing I find annoying about it is

> the model desi

> gnation "Titanico" although there is absolutely

> no titanium in it.

> Avail

> able in several shades of brown and black, plus red. I

> have a red one on

> my red 50th Anniversary Paramount.


> Regards,


> Jerry Moos