Exactly. Just another benefit to learning to not rely on fixtures over c ommon sense and experience.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
At 03:26 PM 18/09/2008 GMT, wrote:
>I try to encourage young builders to take on the construction of a fram
> without a fixture and using only and alignment table or something simi
>ar. There are thousands of ways to do that. It aids their understanding
>of what they are trying to accomplish in terms of frame alignment and h
>lding specified angles and dimensions. Also helps them not rely complet
>ly on the fixture and take things for granted.
Not to preach to the choir, but if a frame built without jigs and fixtur es ends up in good alignment, you know it was done right and there are no built-in stresses that will give trouble later.
John Betmanis Woodstock, Ontario Canada _______________________________________________
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