Re: [CR]Approaches to Bike Collecting?

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Campagnolo)

Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 17:19:28 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Barry" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Approaches to Bike Collecting?
To: Kevin Kruger <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

I must spend too much time thinking about this hobby. Up until about a year ago, I simply could not say no to a nice (but inexpensive) bike that was my size. Since then, I've reached capacity in the basement and the shed and the carport - although several of the occupants are legitimately for sale, or otherwise destined for other homes.

Having started off with my uncle's bicycle, I acquired the replacement of the bike of my youth, and then found a couple other bicycles, and it just sort of got out of control. Now, I've rationalized a bit, and have somewhat arbitrarily constructed categories of bicycles that I intend to have filled. My final (I think) list of categories is nine and one half - six or seven of which can be on-topic.

1.) Family heirloom & grocery getter (Raleigh Superbe) 2.) Nostalgia bicycle (Raleigh Super Course) 3.) First really nice bike (Fuji Finest) 4.) Drool-worthy "bling" bike (Raleigh Professional) 5.) Olde British Club Bicycle (J.A. Holland) 6.) Fixed gear (a slightly off topic Schwinn) 7.) Randonneuring bike (in transition, but maybe some day a Herse or Singer or Gordon or Weigle or Baylis...) 8.) Hot-rod go-fast bike (a souped-up Trek 760) 9.) Off Road thing (off-topic Trek) .5) Unicycle (still looking for a deal on a 20")

everything else is just gear passing through to be passed on to someone who appreciates it - with the meager proceeds helping to defray expenses. Although... if I could find a nice Frejus track bike... :)


John (more thinking than riding lately) Barry Mechanicsburg, PA, USA

--- Kevin Kruger wrote:

> Forwarded to list on behalf of Bill Talbot
> Re: Approaches to Bike Collecting?
> CRer's
> My interests would be in variety. Different parts
> groups especially. And functional first. So, I have
> a 60's bike w/Campy record, a 70's w/Nuovo Record, a
> later 70's w/Campy Rally and triple, Early 80's
> w/Campy Super Record. Same thing with the Shimano
> Dura Ace groups and then again with Suntour Superbe
> and Superbe Pro.
> This way I can both enjoy all the different
> frames, but also how the different group components
> work as well. This keeps my interest level up so
> that they all get ridden.
> See what I mean @
> Bill Talbot - CT, USA
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