ahoy !
why not give them a telephone call ? they should be listed in the directory.
turin is located in evanston, a sub-urb on chicago's northern border. i think ownership changed within the past several years.
richard cielec
chicago, illinois; u.s.a.
> Hey Listees,
> Happy New Year. I am curious if any body knows anything about Turin
> Bicycles in Chicago, preferably the early years. It came to my
> attention that in the 70's they did anodizing of parts for people .
> I was told this by an old employee but have yet to get any more info
> or contact info of anyone that might still be there(own it possibly)
> or anyone that raced for them in the 70's.
> I am still trying to track down the roots of the early 70's colnago
> super I have .
> Any info on the shop, owner(s), employees, racers is greatly
> appreciated.
> Have a great New Years day and hopefully no one is too hung over
> Barry Scott
> Brooklyn, NY
> _______________________________________________
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