I recently bought the Nitto tool from Rivendell. It works very nice.
But I used an 8mm or 10mm combination wrench to do the same thing
with success.
Happy New Year
James Valiensi
Northridge, CA
On Dec 31, 2007, at 7:50 PM, r cielec wrote:
> Ahoy !
> I have used:
> Nitto made and I assume yet makes a two sided tool for stem clamps and
> seat clamps. 'Tis a short (7 or 8 inches ?) pry bar. I don't know who
> handles Nitto tools. Guessing: Maybe Harris, maybe Rivendell, maybe
> QBP. I really don't know. Got mine years ago, probably from Rivendell
> back in the good ol' days.
> Automotive piston ring expander - works like revers pliers. Standard
> auto parts store item.
> Richard Cielec
> Chicago, Illinos; U.S.A.
> --- bruce thomson <masi3v4me@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Folks: I have removed several (many) bars from the stems on
>> rebuilding or swap-out projects. As you know the clamp on the stem
>> takes a "set" after the bolt is tightened to secure the bars. When
>> the bolt is removed there is a bit of a relaxation, sometimes even
>> enough to rotate the bars. But seldom open enough to remove the bars
>> from the stem without scratching the bars.
>> I have tried prying the opening with a large screwdriver, but seem
>> only to bugger up the stem. Is there some method that safely opens
>> the stem to have a smooth and safe removal of th bars??/ BT
>> Bruce Thomson Spokane WA 99204
>> (509) 747 4314
>> Masi3v4me@yahoo.com rapidfire10ring@hotmail.com
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