HEY GUYS, Im looking for a few parts. I am willing to buy or trade whatever i have for auction on fleabay: bmasterflex
my needs/wants:
-nos 5 speed regina FW's something high end (im not to sure about all the 70's models) ie-13-22(gearing somewhere close to that)
i have about 20 NIB suntour winner/winner pro fws in 5-6-7 speed , and a couple of regina extras in 6-7 (listed in my auctions) that i would be willing to trade
-fiamme red label (old logo) tubular rims 36 hole
-unicanitor #3 or 4 i need 2 of these
-campagnolo CT cable stop (single right sided)
-1 rear record flat quick release
-70's water bottles(masi, colnago)
thats all i can think of at his writing -everything is going on bikes so need not be nos but should be real close
ill happily trade or purchase any of these-
happy day
barry scott
brooklyn, ny