I will just repeat what I knew from riding with guys whose bike sponsor
was Cuevas. Team Brooklyn, whose primary sponsor was a bike shop in,
coincidently, Brooklyn, rode Cuevas bikes every year. And I used to
train and ride with those guys all the time. There were lots of Cuevas
problems. With Tom Donahue it seemed got to be a joke. Every year he
would get a new bike because he broke the old one. Pulled the BB out
one year. Now understand that he was a real bull of a rider who would
have beaten up any bike he rode but this was a bit out of the ordinary.
Everyone knew he cold set the frames and NEVER used a frame jig. Maybe
some of the builders out there can chime in on what if any are the
consequences of this method of aligning frames.
Edward Albert, Chappaqua, NY, USA
>>> johndthompson@gmail.com 01/18/08 1:32 PM >>>
gpit@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> I have heard the stories about frames breaking, but I can say for
> sure that I never saw one. My frame saw many thousands of miles. I
> was never the strength of rider that could tear frames apart. But I
> rode my frame across the US with 50 pounds of equipment hanging from
> it, crashed it on more than one occasion, and never had a moment's
> problem with it.
I'm not a Cuevas expert by any means, but the only stories I remember of his frames breaking concerned the 753 frames he brass brazed (Reynolds only approved silver for 753).
-John Thompson (john@os2.dhs.org)
Appleton WI USA