Although he is a fellow Canuck I don't really know who he is - he has been on ebay for some time usually selling bike boom type bikes (not too much top end stuff, although occasionally he has something interesting). I don't think he is a crank and obviously has an interest in his hobby.
Paul Williams,
Ottawa, ON, Canada
<classicrendezvous@bikelist.org> Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 2:14 PM Subject: [CR]Ebay seller "randyjawa" and eBay auction 150206231051
> Lou pointed out this eccentric eBay auction and that in turn makes me
> wonder about this seller "randyjawa". From his description, he seems to
> be a bit of a celebrity amongst vintage bike auctioneering...
> Is this fellow a member of this list? And are his auctions well known to
> this group? I have not noticed his activities on eBay before, but I am not
> as close a follower of the "bay" as some...
> Dale Brown
> cycles de ORO Bike Shop
> 1410 Mill Street
> Greensboro, North Carolina 27408 USA