[CR]Calling All Crescents....

(Example: Humor:John Pergolizzi)

From: "R.S. Broderick" <rsb000@hotmail.com>
To: <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 13:10:36 -0600
Subject: [CR]Calling All Crescents....

Clyde Putman\u2019s recent mention of an apparently dazzling pair of Crescent bicycles present at the Dallas area \u201cMeet And Greet\u201d provides a provide ntial opportunity for me to put out a call to all of those who might be wil ling to forward pictures of their Swedish made Crescents (\u2026and maybe some earlier ones of American origin too, but I will have to check on that).

Last October, I happened to purchase a 1970\u2019s Crescent from Dale Phelps w ho offered same for sale here on the CR List. As it so happens, the paint work on this particular bicycle was in pretty fair shape excepting the top tube which had been abraded by something along the lines of a chain, and as a result, chunks of paint were missing and oxidization had taken hold. Ba sed upon information provided by Dale and which was confirmed in the CR Lis t archives, I contacted James Johansson at Crescent Cycle Works of Sweden i n order to secure a replacement set of decals as would be necessary for app lication once I had repainted the top tube on my bike. Through a series of several telephone calls, I came to learn that all of the older decal sets which had previously been kept in stock at the factory were THROWN INTO THE PROVERBIAL TRASH BIN coincident to Crescent moving production of their rac ing oriented bicycles from Varberg in Sweden down to the Bianchi plant in T reviglio back in 2005. That most unfortunate news aside, I also learned th at Crescent Cycle Works was already in the preliminary stages of preparing for celebration of their centennial anniversary due to commence in April of 2008 (\u2026less than three months time from now). Mr. Johansson indicated t hat he would very much be interested in receiving pictures of my Crescent b icycle so that it might be used as part of those promotional materials to b e published coincident to the centennial celebration \u2013 IF I COULD FINISH REFURBISHING IT IN TIME !!!!

And this is where fellow CR List members might be able to ride in to the re scue and have their own examples of \u201corange beasts\u201d glorified forever i n an official factory issued publication. The ONLY way I am going to be ab le to complete my Crescent project in advance of April will require that a number of factors beyond my direct control (\u2026decal replication, top tube re-painting, as well as miscellaneous chrome and anodizing work) take place with a degree of synchronicity rarely if ever seen during such projects. So, I would like to take this opportunity to formerly solicit those reading this posting who might be in a better position to provide suitable photogr aphs of their completed Crescent bicycles (\u2026any and all types thereof are welcome, be they Pepita racing bikes or humble city / commuter rides) to s ubmit same to me "OFF LIST" so that I might in turn forward them en masse t o Mr. Johansson. I will also at that time make a request to procure copies of any centennial specific materials produced such that those who were kin d enough to supply pictures of their Crescent bicycles might possibly recei ve one as a keepsake (\u2026I offer no guarantees here, but I will do my best to negotiate whatever swag I may).


Robert \u201cOrange You Glad\u201d Broderick \u2026the \u201cFrozen Flatlands\u201d of South Dakota Sioux Falls, USA

P.S. For those who might be interested in viewing preliminary photos of my particular Crescent project, all related materials will be placed into the following WoolJersey album:


\u2026 OR \u2026


P.P.S. And for those of you who might be interested in procuring a set of reproduction Crescent decals (\u2026please note, this will not be a complete s et as I did not need such for my own bike and replication of certain \u201cfoi l\u201d examples normally found on the seat tube would have been impossible us ing local resources), I should have top and down tube decals available in s hort order. This will be a ONE TIME printing, the size of which will be ba sed upon those who contact me "OFF LIST" and express an interest in purchas ing a set for themselves (\u2026pricing will be subject to some extent upon ho w many sets will need to be printed \u2013 but I will stipulate that amount in
   advance of requesting payment or having those decals actually made). And just so that you know, I also intend send a spare set off to Greg Softley i n Coffs Harbor, Australia such that he might be able to get a jump start on
   replicating these very same decals should he chose to do so at some future
   point in time (\u2026and it will be entirely up to Greg to determine when and
   if that will ever occur). _________________________________________________________________ Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your HotmailĀ®-get yo ur "fix". http://www.msnmobilefix.com/Default.aspx