Re: [CR] help w/ tire ID and WTB: cream wall / natural orange/reddish gum tread?

(Example: Books)

Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2008 18:24:43 -0400
From: "Michael Schmidt" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] help w/ tire ID and WTB: cream wall / natural orange/reddish gum tread?
In-reply-to: <>
To: dan polito <>, Untitled <>
Thread-topic: [CR] help w/ tire ID and WTB: cream wall / natural orange/reddish gum tread?
Thread-index: AcknOSoeaI3yRZMsEd2GsgAWy8lbaw==

Hi Dan,

One of the bikes that I brought to cirque was a 1963 Rene Herse with Orange Pirelli tires. The brick red tires you are referring to were made by Michelin and Hutchinson. Typically, they are 650b tires but could have also been available in 700c. They do pop up on ebay every now and then but when available, go for many Euros which usually start out as Yen.


Mike Schmidt Stirling, NJ USA

On 10/5/08 6:03 PM, "dan polito" <> wrote:
> CR listers -
> I am looking to find out more information on a tire model which I have seen
> here or there.
> the general type can be seen here:
> (click on the photo to
> resize to large)
> I'm guessing that this particular tire in the photo says "pneumatici
> clement," but i'm also guessing that more than one tire maker made such a
> model. michelin, or perhaps pirelli . . .
> were these tires typically 27", 650b, or 700c? does this style have a
> name?
> i have a set of the grand bois hetre red tread tires from jan; i am looking
> for an older pair similar to the ones shown in the photo. if anybody has a
> pair for sale or trade, or has a lead, please let me know.
> i think i saw mike schmidt walking around the cirque with a pair of them . .

> .


> thanks,

> dan polito