Re: [CR]Suspect Italian bottle holder

(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

From: "Robert Clair" <>
To: <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Suspect Italian bottle holder
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 20:54:13 -0500

... by the by, i just dug around out a bit from my "bottle collection". i found a child's zefal, made in france. a zefal junior. has a graphic of a seven-person family on a very long tandem that wraps around the side. it would fit that cage el-perfecto.

robert clair alexandria, va 22308 uswa ----- Original Message ----- From: nicbordeaux To: Robert Clair Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 4:12 PM Subject: Re: [CR]Suspect Italian bottle holder

Thanks Robert, I hadn't thought of that one. It is a distinct possibility. Best regards Nick

--- En date de : Lun 6.10.08, Robert Clair <> a écrit :

De: Robert Clair <> Objet: Re: [CR]Suspect Italian bottle holder À:, Date: Lundi 6 Octobre 2008, 23h10

Coloral made a small bottle that could probably fit in that, although it

came with with a cage that had the same diameter top to bottom (so it would shake, rock and roll in that upper holder). most likely a child's product


robert clair
alexandria, va 22308

----- Original Message -----
From: nicbordeaux
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 3:49 PM
Subject: [CR]Suspect Italian bottle holder

> Dear list members, including those amongst you have written in to tell me
> t
> hat they never read my dumb posts, I have a question, the answer to which
> e
> ludes me, thence this request for help.
> I have a very midget sized bottle holder made in Italy, nice thing. Looks
> k
> ind of 70's if I go by the fixation system, which is either bolt on, or
> cli
> p down. Kind of transitional. Unless it's a clip on which has been drilled
> out, but I disgress.
> I have posted pics of the thing to:
> Please note that I'm not fishing (trolling ?) for a price, that the item
> is
> most definitely not for sale, and that I might be in the market for a spec
> ific bottle if I am right and it is 1) a bottle holder, 2) designed for a
> s
> pecific bottle.
> Thanks in advance
> Nick March, Agen, 47000 Lot et Garonne, France.