Re: [CR] Re: Using images; Was: Whining about Campagnolo:75 Years of Cycling Passion

(Example: Production Builders:Peugeot:PY-10)

Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 08:14:08 -0700
From: "Bob Sutterfield" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Re: Using images; Was: Whining about Campagnolo:75 Years of Cycling Passion
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <a062309e0c52a8e3346d2@>

Dale Brown wrote:
> Jan Heine wrote:
> > ...Instead, we'll be stuck with this
> > [mis]information from an "authoritative" source.?
> That is the real rub, this book will be used
> and quoted over and over again... Arrggh!!

Such citations serve as a gauge to the expertise of the person using the citation. For example, it's currently faddish among cycling advocates to cite Peter Jacobsen's "Safety In Numbers" article as support for building all sorts of bicycle infrastructure. Last summer it was Ian Walker's article about overtaking clearance. When you hear an argument that leans heavily on Jacobsen's or Walker's findings, you know the argument is likely to be specious. Similarly, when you hear "75 Years" cited as an authoritative reference, you know to keep looking elsewhere for the real information, and for someone who is actually well informed on the subject.
Bob Sutterfield
Saratoga California USA