Re: Fwd: [CR] Re: Using images; Was: Whining about Campagnolo:75 Years of Cycling Passion

(Example: Framebuilding:Brazing Technique)

Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 12:05:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jerome & Elizabeth Moos <>
Subject: Re: Fwd: [CR] Re: Using images; Was: Whining about Campagnolo:75 Years of Cycling Passion
To: classicrendezvous <>, Harry Travis <>
In-Reply-To: <>

It might be worthwhile if anyone wants to go the the effort.  Of course, this will not solve the shotgun approach to Campagnolo history.  As I s aid, I think the book is a bargain, but I view it like Merckx's Fabulous Wo rld of Cycling, with lots of nice photos and Merckx's interesting commentar y on many of them, but Eddy does not attempt to present a thorough hsitory of his career or of the cycling era he defined.  In the same way, this Ca mpy book is in no way a thorough history of Campagnolo and perhaps is not i ntended to be.


Jerry Moos
Big Spring, Texas, USA

--- On Mon, 10/27/08, Harry Travis wrote:

From: Harry Travis <> Subject: Fwd: [CR] Re: Using images; Was: Whining about Campagnolo:75 Years of Cycling Passion To: "classicrendezvous" <> Date: Monday, October 27, 2008, 12:54 PM

I don't mean to encourage sales of a poor book. But, perhaps knowledgeable affficionados here could compile a list of errors, and politely submit them, perhaps over Dale's letterhead, not as criticism, but as errata, urging the publisher to include them as errata such with all new copies, an d in any subsequent editions.

There may well be a web page for the book, at which the errata can also be listed.

The book in question is a commercial venture, not a wiki, and you may well resent the effort required to correct the record. But, as Dale said, the consequences or the many errors are worse.

Maybe a good way to compile these would be with the use of a WIKI, There ar e probably good guidelines and suggestions, even entire formats, for most productive public editing and error correction of a text.

Harry Travis Washington, DC USA

On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Dale Brown <> wrote:
> Jan wrote:
> <<...Instead,
> we'll be stuck with this information from an "authoritative" source.? >>
> That is the real rub, this book will be used and quoted over and over
> again... Arrggh!!
> Dale Brown
> Greensboro, North Carolina? USA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Heine <>
> To:;
> Sent: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 2:01 am
> Subject: Re: [CR] Re: Using images; Was: Whining about Campagnolo:75 Year s
> of Cycling Passion
> At 1:42 PM -0700 10/26/08, Jerome & Elizabeth Moos wrote:?
> ?
> >By the way, I must agree with the earlier comment that the Campy
> >book is not at all well organized. It is certainly not a
> >comprehensive history of Campagnolo, nor even a particularly
> >coherent one. But is does contain lots of interesting anecdotes and
> >lots of nice photos, albeit that some of the photos seem to have be
> >obtained discourteously if not actually illegally. I stiil think it
> >was a bargain at the $24 eBay price and maybe even at the $40 retail
> >price.?
> ?
> As you say, if you treat it as a "Campagnolo scrapbook," then it may
> be worth the money. You get some nice photos, some good reproduction
> of random Campy catalogue pages and some anecdotes about how
> Campagnolo wooed the press and sports authorities into supporting his
> company.?
> ?
> To me, the most grating part of the book are the many careless
> errors. I am afraid that we will spend a few decades on this list
> discussing whether Huret Jubilee derailleurs really were introduced
> in the 1960s (1972 appears to be the correct date), whether the
> Campagnolo Record derailleur dates from the mid-1950s (1962), and
> whether the Gino Bartali-Fausto Coppi rivalry lasted from 1950 until
> 1965... at which point Bartali had been in retirement for a decade,
> and Coppi had been dead five years!?
> ?
> (The Coppi-Bartali rivalry was at its height in 1948, when they
> watched each other during the world championships, and each was
> unwilling to pull the other. The rest of the bunch left them behind,
> and both abandoned the race in disgrace. Coppi and Bartali did work
> together in the 1949 Tour de France, as I described in a chapter of
> "The Competition Bicycle" that shows their bikes from that race.
> Coppi came first, Bartali second, as a result of their truce.)?
> ?
> A fact-check would have required little more than going to Chuck
> Schmidt's Campagnolo timeline and to the Wikipedia website. Instead,
> we'll be stuck with this information from an "authoritative" source.?
> ?
> Jan Heine?
> Editor?
> Bicycle Quarterly?
> 140 Lakeside Ave #C?
> Seattle WA 98122?
> ?
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