[CR] Vista Elite

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Ideale)

Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: [CR] Vista Elite
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 16:14:47 -0500
Thread-Topic: [CR] Vista Elite
Thread-Index: AckpiuOH7KfLXqncQ+CJMMYlgYXkBA==
From: "Kahrl, Michael" <Michael.Kahrl@andrew.com>
To: <averyallen@aol.com>, <Classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>

I owned one in 1980. It was a very nice Japanese made butted tubing b ike. Black with red head tube and red panels on the seat tube.

It had Shimano 600 EX Arabesque group on it with allen bolt nuts and b olts on the stem, crankset extractor, brakes, seatbolt, derailleurs, d erailleur cable clamps, and even on the inboard end of the pedal spind les. I could manage everything with a few allen wrenches. I used to ride my bike to the airport, turn the handlebars in and down, turn the pedals around, and the airline would take it bare like that and load

it into the plane.

It also used an early 6-speed cassette called Uniglide. Required two chainwhips to take the outer cog off freeing the cog body.

I kept it in the after bosun's locker on my ship a nd one night some disgruntled sailor threw it overboard.

Michael Avery Kahrl Columbus, Ohio

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