Now who does this forgery sound like? Let me guess. Curious minds would like to know. Edward Albert Chappaqua, New York, U.S.A.
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 8:27 PM, Bianca Pratorius <>wrote:
> To any listmember that thinks this is an actual submission by me - I can
> assure you that it is not.
> The below bears a different email address. I am all for a good joke but
> please in the future sign your own name and not mine to it. I believe that
> Dale has list rules that prohibit anyone from this kind of tom foolery.
> Garth Libre in Miami Florida USA
> This is the forged quote:
> As to any list member who thinks it anal and potentially homo to build
> wheels, take it from a South Floridian who knows. I begin my highly
> ritualized affair by rolling my person in the droppings of the Dung Beetle.
> As all good listers should know, the Dung Beetle deposits powerful insect
> sperm in its droppings before rolling them into a dung heep. I then wrip
> off whatever shirt I am wearing with bear hands and incisors only. I do
> the
> same to my shoes, pants and socks. I wear no underwear several days
> before I build wheels in anticipation of the blessed event. I use latex
> paint and nipple cream on my average wheels. For the superfast man of
> steel
> on a steel steed, I use my own man seed which tends to flow in copious
> amounts when properly flagellated by a good hard tension-o-meter. Often
> the
> wheel building will stretch into the morning hours where you'll then find
> me
> sated, bronzed and a build to behold.
> Viva La Flambe,
> Garth Libre in Miami Florida USA